How do i move corals?


How do i move corals once they are attached onto my LR?
If i can, i would like to move my pulsing xenia, and my green shrroms.
somebody help me


Active Member
You can frag at the foot right above where they attach to the rock, but that would leave a little peice behind that would just grow up again. Or you can take a dremel and cut out a little peice of the rock where they are attached to, hammer and chisel may also work but may not have desireable results.


Active Member
Frag means to cut, or make a fragment. I think pulling may do more harm than good to the coral and may damage it.


cutting the coral seems scary, i would imagine it kills your coral , what do you do?, do you just cut off the base of the coral?


thanks viper, this is very helpful, thanks a bunch, now my xenia won't be on the same original little rock it's been on.