How do i Move my Tank??


I Need to Move my tank to my new Apartment in 2 weeks. Its A 30gl with 4 fish and some inverts. What might be the best way to do this? Return my inhabitants to store or take out alot of water and move them in the tank. Any suggestions Plz. thx


Depending on how far your moving, you could probably transport the fish in the tank. I made about a 20 mile move with my fish in a five gallon bucket and everyone was fine. Just make sure if the fish are the last thing out of the tank and first thing to go back in. On longer trips I have no ideas, but I am moving to Denver from Minneapolis and think my only option is to tear down, sell inhabitants and start over.


Active Member
You should never move your tank with water in it. As this will put pressure on the glass and possible crack the glass/seal. Take your time and do the move right. I would bag each fish/invert individually and place in a styrofoam box. Your rocks I would put into a 5 gallon bucket(s) with tank water. Just my opinion though. Good Luck!


Will i have to start a new cycle when i set my tank back up? Or do i try to transport as much water from the tank as possible? And I have black sand in it now and when i move i want to replace it with live sand; is this a good idea??


Active Member
i have to do the same thing(top floor to bottom floor)
the guy at my well trusted lfs said:
put all the water in buckets
all the lr inbuckets
and all the fish in buckets
he said take out the sand but im only going 2 levels so im leaving it in and just puting the water and fish back in the the live rock


how many trips do you plan to make. To make 30 gal of water is easier than moving 30 gal of water..
I am not sure of the quickest time it takes for salt to disolve. I would set a 30 gal bucket up at the new place a day before. Allowing for airation and temperature. Bucket the Live rock.. Which there will be some die off during the transport. It would be easier to keep the fish and inverts in a 10gal tank for several days. But only do this with your seeded sand bed.. CORRECT ? which the SB is seeded which will not allow for hight Amonia and Nites.....


Just get a few 5 gallon buckets with lids, or make lids. I've done it with no problems.......................your using the same water and if you not going too far, it won't be a problem.


i never heard of seeding a sand bed.. :thinking: Is that just Live Sand or something else special? Well i guess what i plan to do is taking three 5gl buckets from my tank to the new place. Adding Live Sand and extra cured LR. thinking About 2-3inch sand bed, 13 extra lb of LR = 20lb total. whick in theory will make it a 30% water change. Does this sound RIGHT or am i doomed??
and how long will my fish last in a bucket??


seeded i mean if you buy new live sand. It has critters in to to break waste down. If your tank has been running for a while It will have more critters in it to break down waste. basically a more matured tank


Active Member
Just a thought for your fish if you put them in a can purchase a battery operated airstone for under $20.00. Some LFS carry them, also I have read fishing/tackle shops may sell them. Also have seen them on-line. Keep your temp fluctuation as low as possible and keep the water well aerated and your fish should be fine. Good luck with the move. Just have extra water ready to go for any emergency water changes that may come up from the move, daily water changes should keep evrybody alive and well even if you get a small cycle. Also you could run a poly filter to remove ammonia.


Active Member
The way I have always done it is the following
1. Get one rubbermaid container. Fill it 1/3 with tank water and then move all corals, fish into that container. You can use a bucket but not as much surface area for air transfer. Move the fish/corals/inverts first.
3. Fill as many buckets as you can with tank water.
4. Take out LR and place in buckets with water.
5. For larger tanks get a trashcan (clean) fill with rest of water.
6. Move tank (w/sand still in bottom), equipment, etc.
7. Transfer all water to new location. Fill with rest of water asap
8. Put LR back in tank. Fill with water
9. Once your coral/fish/inverts are moved. Keep them in the rubbermaid container with a powerhead.
10. Once water has settled place animals back in tank.
You shouldnt start a new cycle as long as your LR/Sand are always wet. The tank itself might create a little die off. IE glass drying out a little but you should be fine. As long as you use at least 75/80% of the original water you should be able to top off with new saltwater.
I have never lost a fish or coral because of a move doing it this way.
Good luck


Active Member
Actually i need help concerned that i may have to make a move(a rather large one) and im wondering if i am going to be able to make a move...i have a 75 gallon FOWLR set up and i have one 5 inch foxface, 2 in. blue regal, 3 inch percula, 6 in. red general starfish, 5 in. coral banded shrimp, 3 in. diamond head gobie, and a turbo snail. i have only about 20 lbs. of live rock (i know i know i need more...) and about 90lbs of substrate, with many big lava rock decorations( plenty of cover for eveyone dont worry) anyway i am probably making a 12 hour drive time move to dallas texas next year.. im wondering if there is any way of ebing able to transport these guys or is it worth trying? im really not happy about it considering this is my first saltwater aquarium ever!! 10 years of freshwater. im so sad to think my lil guys cant come with me, ill try to send a pic of my foxface he is gorgeous!! one the best ivever seen.