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New Member
Im sorry about my previous threads. I was just fooling around with my computer. The reason I did that was because I cant control myself. I really own my own aquarium and am new to owning fish. I own in total 2560 gallons of tank. I appologize and hope this did not cause any confusion/discomfort. Sincerly,


Active Member
I don't know about you guys, but i am feeling a lot of discomfort from this thread, i mean almost as much as this one time with... well we won't go there, but you get the picture.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
I don't know about you guys, but i am feeling a lot of discomfort from this thread, i mean almost as much as this one time with... well we won't go there, but you get the picture.



Active Member
Haha, thanks renogaw, and for the other post. I take no offense to what you said over in the other post either :)
As for the *** at hand, it is just silly because the amount of time this "insert tool name" spent on the forum bs'in around, he could have spend reading something useful and actually learning about the hobby. But instead he spends in extra time in his little cave, all alone, wishing someone would just give him an ounce of attention so that we can feel better about himself.
It's okay though, i mean i too have a great white shark and enjoy feeding it things that make no sense. This one time i fed a clown fish some gummy bears once - man was that a sight. But i digress.
That is okay though buddy, i have all day :)


Active Member
Honestly though.. who really sits back and says to themselves. I feel like f'n with some people today.. Oh I know let me google salt water fish and see what message boards come up. I can bother those people, yea that will be a hoot.. I dont know seems kinda boring if you ask me.. I mean how much enjoyment can you get out of trying to harass people with salt water fish tanks.
WOW WAY To think that one through "Captain Intelligent"...
He needs a day job this guy.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Haha, thanks renogaw, and for the other post. I take no offense to what you said over in the other post either :)
As for the *** at hand, it is just silly because the amount of time this "insert tool name" spent on the forum bs'in around, he could have spend reading something useful and actually learning about the hobby. But instead he spends in extra time in his little cave, all alone, wishing someone would just give him an ounce of attention so that we can feel better about himself.
It's okay though, i mean i too have a great white shark and enjoy feeding it things that make no sense. This one time i fed a clown fish some gummy bears once - man was that a sight. But i digress.
That is okay though buddy, i have all day :)
put some fire and acid on that troll, it should die!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
put some fire and acid on that troll, it should die!!
Dont you mean joes juice..
I just looked around he appears to be popping up like aptasia


Active Member
someone obviously never played dungeons and dragons....
a troll will only die if you pour acid or burn it to stop it's regenerative properties :)
if you cut off a troll's finger, the finger will regenerate into a brand new troll and now you have two!! so they are just like aiptasia


Active Member
Originally Posted by drummerdude124
Im sorry about my previous threads. I was just fooling around with my computer. The reason I did that was because I cant control myself. I really own my own aquarium and am new to owning fish. I own in total 2560 gallons of tank. I appologize and hope this did not cause any confusion/discomfort. Sincerly,
Unfortunately Frank, since your computer is connected to the WWW you weren't just fooling around with it; you were fooling around with real people in a real community.
If you cannot control yourself you will need to move on. This community is for mature individuals. We don't all agree; but we all have a certain standard that we are held to. If you plan on posting to waste the time of other's your account will be banned from posting here (although you will still be able to read the forums for advice).
You own 2560 gallons of tank? While certainly possible, I find it highly unlikely that you have the discipline to maintain that sort of setup, yet can't control your posting here.
We really are a friendly community. Abide by a few simple rules, be honest, and you'll find a lot of great people willing to help out.