How Do I Put A Photo As My Icon?


anyone know how i can take a pci from my comp and put it as my icon for my user name? :notsure:


Active Member
gotta go to User Cp, then go to edit Avatar, then edit down your pic you want to use till it fits and put it on!


i did all that, resized my pictures, but it keeps telling me my size is too big. im not too saavy on computer technology


Active Member
I use my web design/builder Front Page, I can make them any size I want, just takes a bit of work. Just keep playin with it ..... you will get it eventualy! What pic editor are you using... maybe I could help ya if I have it!


Active Member
Can you post your pic in the thread? If so, there are those who will re-size it for you right here!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigpete
i did all that, resized my pictures, but it keeps telling me my size is too big. im not too saavy on computer technology
It's not the actual width/hieght that is the problem. It's the file size, you need to bring that down under the file size req. Try changing file format to .gif.


sorry i was late last night and i had class this morning, i didnt expect the speedy responses. ill try switing to gif format thanks guys. ill prolly be back haha


Active Member
Hello Large Peter
that just seems WRONG!
well anyway, don't bother changing your pic to gif format. Make a copy and open it in microsoft paint and from the image pulldown menu choose stretch/skew. Your image will need to be 100x100 pixels so if your original image is say 2000x2000 you would need to enter equal numbers in the fields to reduce your pic to the correct size (5%). From the file pulldown select save. then do the user c/p thing.


Active Member
Oh yeah..............
or just go to
and they will do it for you. They will also set up a link so you may use it on any message board/blog that allows avatars.
After they resize it just right click and copy then paste it in your photo folder. Then do the user c/p, avatar thing.