How Do I Raise Brine Shrimp?


I was wanting to try and raise my own live brine shrimp for my fish (Neon Dottyback especially). Guy at the lfs told me I would hate myself for trying. I figure if I can put up with school I can do this. I have jars, an air pump, air tubing, and bubble stones. Can someone please explain the process to me? I know I need to take tank water and eggs, wait for them to hatch, and then wait for them to get big enough. I would appreciate any help. I am feeding my Neon Goby with frozen brine for the time being. Another reason I want live brine is with the plan for a mandarin in the future I am hoping I get one that will also eat brine. Any help is appreciated.


The Sea Monkey kit works for me, But I also feed them to the tank within 24 hours of hatching. I dont use it for long term rearing of brine. But, it could work, since the sea monkeys are a varity of brine shrimp, and they live long, full lives as adults in the sea monkey habitats.


well, I've considered it in the past, but don't have a good place to devote to an adult container and a rearing container, plus all the extra care in trying to feed and keep their water requirements up. They need a much higher salinity than your saltwater tank to survive. They only live for like 5mins in something as low as 1.026, I can't remember what their recommended level is, but I've got some books that descrive it, I believe aquarium atlas by Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod has the process in it, and some of my outdated books from the 70's and 80's have the process, just can't remember names right now. anyway, it's kind of a pain to keep them ongoing. I helped a friend try it, the idea was to keep us both in supply, lol and aahahahahahaha, man that was a trip...we had so many little jars and line hoses and were trying to eyedrop adults into another container, and move the pregnant adults to another breeding container, oh man! what a pain! I remember the books were talking about keeping the rearing jars at I think a higher salinity than the adults, so you have to be very detailed...the water spoils fast so you've always got to be changing water through some sort of net. anyway, needless to say I've just been buying them and only worrying about keeping that batch alive for a couple days. good luck with it! Dave


When you buy the eggs do they have instructions and charts that help to ID the various life stages for the shrimp? Also, how many containers are need to raise them?


Active Member
Hey b_ball12_99
Point your browser to or any search engine, and search for;
raising brine shrimp
I got back over 2400 hits on the topic.
There is a TON of info out there on the www just waiting for you.
Good luck !