how do i set up a tank w/ the following fish???

porcupine puffer

New Member
i want to have a porcupine puffer or two, eel, anemones, and maby a few other things. also right now i've got a 45gallon tank (empty). but will be getting a bigger one soon


Porcupines can not be kept in the same tank usually. Although I have seen it before. In the porcupine and boxfish case, similar fish should not be added together. The porcupine, lionfish, and moray eel can be housed togther with great success. However all of these fish are messy livestock. Far to messy to be kept will anenomes. This type of stocking list is best kept for a fish only set up. Far to messy to add anenomes.
Also keep in mind that for exsample the snow flake will get over 30" long, the porcupine over 12 inches long and the lion (volitan) over 14 inches long. I would at least have a 150 gal tank to house these animals. Although I beleive in conservative stocking to keep a much more stable tank.
Good Luck on your research. Hope that helped.


Hey man, you could keep all those fish together no problem, minus the anemones. Its not because they are messy fish that you can't keep them. Its because the puffers like to eat them. Also, you can keep two pourcupine puffers together very easily. They love have the company of another one with them. I've had my two together for 3 years they are very happy. I wouldn't get any anemones, but the lion, puffers, and eels would be fine together. The lion won't bother anyone neither with the puffers. I say good luck to you and you shouldn't have any problems