How do I stop this....


from growing on my rocks? It gets so damn long and annoying. I mow it down with my net all the time. Are there any critters I can buy to eat it?? What is the name of this algae?


It looks like you may have 2 problems. Do a search in the Reef section for "hair algea" and one for "apastia". You will get all kinds of material. The hair algea can be helped with a cleanup crew. There are lots of things that eat it. If that is an apastia (that's probably spelled wrong) in the background then you will want to get it under control fast. The little glass anenomes are a bigger problem than the hair algea.
If the algae is all over your tank then you will need more than just one emerald and a hermit. depending on how big your tank is buy a few snails and a dozen or so hermits.


To get rid of the Aptasia (Glass Anemones) you can get some Peppermint Shrimp.
If you do not have any Turbo Snails or Hermit Crabs, it would be a good idea to get some. Depending on your tank size you can start with 12-15 Turbo Snails and 5-8 Red Leg Hermits ( Less Agressive then Blue Leg Hermits but cost more money)
You can add 1-2 Emerald Crabs.
Use RO Water if you are not already.


Active Member
Just put two astrea snails...a buck each, on each rock. Do NOT buy red leg hermits, buy scarlet reef hermits....there is a big difference. While the snails eat the hair algae....check for nitrates and phosphates, and also make sure your bulbs are proper spectrum and are not old. Good water flow helps as well. Astreas are cheap and do nothing but eat what you algae. Sallys, hermits, and emeralds are weak in the hair algae fight IMO. Two snails would have the rock cleaned up within the week.


I like lettuce nudibranches for hair algae just some thing different from those dumb mexi turbos !!!! they just knock over crap I am done with those there trigger food !! I have no beef with astreas


I agree with the previous post about peppermint shrimp and kalk. You will need to be patient with the peppermint shrimp. Sometimes they will start killing the aptasia immediately and sometimes it will be a gradual process. I added a peppermint shrimp after getting overrun with aptasia when I could not keep up with the kalk method. It took the shrimp a couple of months to get rid of all of them.


my peppermints were worthless for aptasia. however concentrated Calcium from a turkey baster works everytime....
avoid hermits, they are trouble IMO. stick with snails, snails, & snails. Emeralds also don't do a great job at hair algae gone crazy. They just scrap all your beautiful coraline off.....just my experiences.

nm reef

Active Member
Looks like hair algae to me. A combination of scarlet hermits and astro/trochus/turbo snails would help control it. Plus insure introduction of phosphates is kept to a minimum by using a quality water source and avoid over feeding. Keeping lighting in proper spectrum will also help to prevent hair algaes. Insure adaquate circulation with zero dead spots. Manual removal can also help if the hair algae problem is significant enough. Some fish will also consume hair algaes...I've heard good things about lawnmower blennies but the two I've tried have lasted less than a week each. There are a few other fish that consume hair algaes but the size of them may be problematic for you.I also agree that the anemone looks like a curlique...closely related to the pest aptasia but it should pose no major problems that I'm aware of.
Red leg hermits I believe grow a little larger and are said to be overly aggressive...but scarlets are smaller and more docile. I keep scarlets myself...along with blue legs and they have never caused significent problems...come to think of it I've never had any problems associated with my emerald crabs either. I'd be cautious about using nudi's for algae control...they may starve after the algaes are gone and lots of problems can be associated with the death of nudis....:cool:


I went to GARF, and they have a section there where you pic which type of algae you have, and they suggest a clean up crew, i did it for an algae i had a bad problem with, and haven't had a problem since, took almost a month, but ever since then it's been gone.


I bought 8 turbo snails yesterday. My LFS claimed they will do the job. Is this correct? I could not get emerald crabs because they would have gotten killed. They also tried to sell me a Kole Tang, but I declined it. I have several red leg hermits in there and they don't eat that crap. Hopefully the snails will do the job.