How do I use a hydrometer?


I thought I figured out how to use my swing-arm hydrometer but maybe I'm wrong. This morning I used it to check my recently mixed saltwater (there is only saltwater in my tank right now aside from the powerhead and heater).
The hydrometer arm either didn't move, went all the way to the top, and twice it gave a reading in between 1.020 and 1.021.
What should I do?
It is an Odyssea hydrometer.


Active Member
you have to tap it a few tips to make sure there are no air bubbles on the handle. If there are, it will float to the top.


I'm with Asbury. Forget it and spend a little extra to get a refractometer. I used to use a hydrometer and on my two seperate 60 gals, it read both at 1.025. Then I decided to get a refractometer, and the one tank was 1.031, and the show tank was 1.024. That's a big difference. It's worth the $50-60 IMHO. It could save you big bucks in livestock in the long run. The water is the life-blood of our hobby, and I want to make sure that I have the most accurate equipment possible.


Yeah, what they are saying about hydrometers and refractometers is true. But if you cant afford one right now, you should have calibrated the hydrometer. I believe you need to fill it with fresh water, and let it sit over night. Make sure you rinse it with fresh water after each use. And, submerse it until you see the water come into the chamber. Also tap out any airbubbles you see.


:yes: Yup, airbubbles stuck to the needle will make it float. I have "tapped" mine and it wasn't very successful (those bubbles are like glue). Then I would jam a pencil into mine and "tap" the needle, well that didn't work either cause I "tapped" the needle right off!! Then I would fill it, dump it, fill it, dump it...until the needle was totally wet with no bubbles. AND THEN I bought a refractometer.... yup:)


a glass hydrometer is extreamly acruate. mine is within .005 of a refractometer. so you dont need to buy one of those fancy refractometer. all it is, is quicker. the glass ones are fragile so you have to becareful not to bang it around. and they are just as cheap as the plastic.