How do mushrooms reproduce?


Staff member
They will reproduce (I don't know the technical terminology) by splitting from the center (like mitosis lol) and when they are in perfect conditions within a colony new little ones will pop up. I have the "red mushrooms" I have actually tried to kill them I have so many! I think they thrive in less than perfect water conditions. -in my case-
You can easily propagate mushrooms.There are several ways to do this. I would look on the net or maybe someone here will suggest something. I have sliced them right down the middle to end up with 2 complete mushrooms within a few weeks.

Some of my red mushrooms in the background...


I have a number different mushrooms in my tank and have heard of several ways to reproduce your mushrooms. It sounds insane but the most productive one was to take and cut a mushroom from your rock at the base leaving about 1-2mm of stem left on the rock. Place the top of the mushroom you cut off with some saltwater from your tank into a blender and turn the blender on and off really quick. The mushroom will feel threatened by wont die, because it feels threatened it will relsease spores. These spores are what leads to mushroom reproduction. After you quickly blended your mushroom top, pour the water and mushroom into your tank and wait a few weeks to see results. The first time i did it there were about 9 more mushrooms and the mushroom stem i cut from started to grow back as well. P.S. dont make a milkshake as soon as you blend your mushroom, they are toxic. Wash it out with super hot water and soap a few times. Good luck and let me know how it turned out.