Yup.....it helps to have a good heavy current and place softies in spots where they are least likely to create problems. I keep a rather large sinularia and a sarcophyton along with numerous SPS and LPS types...and clams....plus assorted zooanthids and a few 'shrooms....so far there have been no problems to cause concern. I do run rowa carbon...rotated with rowa phos and I use a Euro Reef CS6-2+ on a 100 gal display with a 20 gal sump and 55 gal refugium...which I think may help......and I am prepared to remove the softies if any problems come up.
What i like to do is carefully put it on my head and walk carefully around so it doesnt fall over
sorry, dumb, but at least I made myself laugh
<at work, getting frustrated the clock wont move quicker, trying to entertain myself>
:yes: Can't have too many people agree on something, right?
PS. NM reef...I don't have the money to do it right now (and I probably won't until after I get out of school, hah) but I plan on getting a bigger tank with a fuge and a sump and stuff. It sounds like you have great setup and you always seem to really know what you're talking about, so I'd really appreciate it if you could email or IM me (xnikki118x--AOL and AIM) sometime when you're not busy and help me figure out all that snazzy stuff. I'm still kinda new to this. I know muchh more about the livestock than about the technical stuff.