How do snails mate?


I was just checking out the tank and I saw a nass snail climb up on anothers back. They seemed to struggle a bit with each other and then the one who was "attacked" took off in the other direction. This was all in the span of about 30 seconds.
Anybody else ever observe this? Could it be sexual? Fighting?


thats what I was hoping. If they survive, great. If not, more food for the fish. Are any marine snails asexual? I did a little internet research, but couldn't find much on the subject. I'm asking out of curiosity more than anything.


I know with the stomatella snails, I got to see mine mate. My husband called me over to see that my snail was smoking. It was letting up little wisps of liquid. Across the tank another stomatella let up something similiar only it was tiny round beads, obviously eggs. Very cool. It was cool that even across the tank from each other that they knew to do it at almost the same time. I still have baby snails in my tank, all of them didn't survive, because then I'd be overrun with snail lol. Very cool thing to see.