how do you acclimate crabs?


well i bought 2 pretty big red legged hermits and i was just wondeing if i'm suppost to acclimate them any special way? i'm floating them as i speak.....


Not really... some people might tell you to do the drip with EVERYTHING but the fact is some animals just dont need it very much. For hermits i would recommend doing the float, and then mixing about half-and-half tank/bag water for about 10 mins. Although to be honest, ive let them go right out of the bag without even the flaot and they did fine, every one still alive 4 months later! :jumping: not that i recomend that. I guess the bottom line is that hermits dont need much, they are tough little guys!


Active Member
A guy in gym class acclimated them for awhile until the whole team was scratchin, I believe there is a spray availible. :hilarious
Just joking, you can acclimate them the same way as fish.


Originally Posted by Phixer
A guy in gym class acclimated them for awhile until the whole team was scratchin, I believe there is a spray availible. :hilarious
Just joking, you can acclimate them the same way as fish.

reef diver

Active Member
Ok just for an example, of the fact that you probly dont need to acclimate them much, except with temperature, whaen i was a little kid i used to go out in mexico on the beach, and find hermits, then ind a water bottle,and make myself a little viewing station, for a week, and they were happy. YEs yes i no it is cruel, buit i was a sick little kid. Meaning crazy


hey phixer! my tank is cycled and taking off! i got some crabs that were hanging on for dear life with some LR i bought the other day. i had to pop them in the tank since there was no native water to acclimate them. put one in the fuge and the other in the DT. both are doing great. proof that hermits may not need acclimation at all....or my specs are damn near perfect!


Active Member
Hey Lazarus, good to hear from you man, those little Hermits are some tough suckers. What kind of fish will you be adding next? Cant wait to see some pictures. Im in Colorful Colorado now to pick up the acrylic for the monster :hilarious and haul it into the basement, + make some home repairs. Might try to see Tim while Im here.

reef diver

Active Member
HEy phixer, because you are in denver, I have a couple good aquarium stores for you to check out. One is on south broadway, and is called South Broadway Tropicals, and another, is called Keys Island. The Keys Island store is a bit unappealing at first, but they are helpful, and will offer to quarantine fish for you first. Also, the south broadway place is nice, they have nive tanks. At least IMO


Originally Posted by Phixer
A guy in gym class acclimated them for awhile until the whole team was scratchin, I believe there is a spray availible. :hilarious
Just joking, you can acclimate them the same way as fish.



phixer....found a guy here in SD that was selling stock from his it seems he has a storefront. going down there tonight with a friend i met on the place is called fragcity.
one of my employees is moving to denver and i used to live there as well. if i did not love SD so much...i would be jealous!


Hey phixer, while you're in Denver do you want to pick up a 400 gallon tank for me(I might be buying it can't decide) and bring it to Tucson?



Active Member
Whats up guys, glad to be back after a short hiatus spent fixing gutters and fascia boards on our old house in Arvada. PITA ... Thanks for the good info on the LFS, there used to be an awesome place on east Colfax called Tropic Seas, its long gone now though. Our place is up the road from the Sherman tank CO on Wadsworth BLVD.
Man I wish I would have seen this message before I left Colorado Moby, I took the Honda back to SD so no way it would have fit in the trunk but I would have tied it to the roof if I had too Back in SD now otherwise I would have been glad to haul it for ya. I might make it back for the 4th of July though if your still interested.
And Lazarus thanks for the link, your tank looks like a million bucks!
Good to hear from you guys. Now its time to stir the pot again :hilarious


Hey sethspt,
I noticed you are located in Hawaii. Do you have a license to go and catch your own fish to put in your tank? I was just in Hawaii on my honeymoon and read in a book that people can do that. Just curious...