How do you achieve water flow



Right now I am in the process of setting up an 80 gal tank. I currently have 1 Marineland Magnum 350 filter which is 350 gph, I am looking into getting a fluval 405 filter with 225 gph, but I am still way away from my 1200-1600 gph goal. I am just wondering if there is anything on the market that can get a high turnover rate.


Yes there is, but do you want just one pump or more? Also how much do you want to spend is the question?


im working on getting my 2nd pump. what else is out there that i can use. preferablly something less than $300.

keith gray

You can get a Koralia powerhead. I have one that cost me about 50 bucks and he moves 850gph. It mounts with a magnet also - which is great- you don't have to worry about any suckers coming undone on the back or any of that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Keith Gray
You can get a Koralia powerhead. I have one that cost me about 50 bucks and he moves 850gph. It mounts with a magnet also - which is great- you don't have to worry about any suckers coming undone on the back or any of that.
Koralias are the best bang for the buck IMO.


Active Member
if youre going with the second filter just for water movement, ditch that idea and spend the money on a few nice size powerheads.
as already said, koralias are the best bang for the buck, but if you dont mind spending some money, look into tunze streams or vortech. they both offer models that put out ridiculous amounts of flow, but they cost a good amount too.


Thanks for all the advice I will definately look into the koralias.


since its an 80g tank don't forget at least 80 lbs of live rock and a high quality protein skimmer.
a canister filter is good, but i would not use it as a main source of filtration is a saltwater tank.