how do you add crabs and starfish


Active Member
what exactly do you need to do when you add a red serpent star and blue leg crabs or hermits. im sure you dont just drob them in, so what do you do


lol.. aclimate them as you would do with fish... first dip bag for 5 minutes in the tank, then add some water from the tank to the bag... wait a minute, release some of this bagged water now (throw it out though) and add some more fresh from the tank. wait a minute, and that should do it. I'm told one should always be more careful with shrimps though, but havent read much backing to this claim and personaly I just treat most marine creatures the same way. All in all the process in pretty quick.


eh... well that’s mr. tangs opinion, but I know also a majority of the paranoid reefers out there think so too. whatever you do, longer or shorter routine, truth is I can guarantee that if they are healthy organisms, and tanks are very well established, they will be just fine.
I simply can't count how many times I've dumped stuff literally within a minute of bringing the specimens to some of my tanks. Always are fine, I cant recall one time that some specimen would have died from improper acclimation or soon from introduction. weather anemones, worms, shrimps, crabs, snails, fish, corals... whatever... marine animals are hardy when introduced into well established systems of good quality and parameters. Taking care of some of them and allowing them to thrive is sometimes yet another story.

sinner's girl

I can tell you want we do and what works for us.
Put the bag in the tank, go watch cartoons for awhile. When we think about it or at comercial break add some water (we have little cups umm.. about 1/4) go back to watching cartoons. next comerical break we forget, following comerical break add some more water. look at them, talk about them, opps cartoons are back on. add more water, do this a few times then he says "I think they can go in now" and I say "let's add one more cup" so we add another cup. watch cartoons. I pour the bag of h20 in the sink over the net (it's right behind the tank), he drops the creature in the tank.
when we got shrimp we took a little longer only cuz we have so many bags and other things to do.
btw-we didn't even aclamate some of are hermits (they were on our lr when we moved tanks) and they did fine. Mr Tang will tell you that starfish need 24 hours and can't be exposed to air. No lfs has ever told us this. Our 3 stars have been exposed to air and are alive and well.
You can do what you feel is best.
Yes live is all about cartoons and fish... sometimes school interfears with live though...


yes, but mr tang, that’s just what us humans think, that they aren't prepared because WE use logic and have literally made that idea up... its true. unless one of us is a starfish or we have some good scientific backing here it is really unknown. oh and aren’t books written by people here on earth?? yeah, that means that I at least hope the book points to a good experiment, otherwise its just a mere opinion of someone. By the way one could say the same thing about so many creatures.... snails, urchins, brittle/serpent stars for few examples... yet one can take them out of the water for a while and put them back in and they will usually only seek shelter because they may think a predator was after them. but in the case of most snails, they just go right back to their biz... I've taken out linckia and other starfishes out of the water more than few a times. I think you all underestimate how hardy most marine animals are when they are healthy and kept in good conditions.


Active Member
I'd have to agree with marek and and inverts should not be kept out of the water at all....however, if u do expose them to air and it's a healthy invert, then everything should be fine. I think a 24 hour acclimation period is kinda pusing it...3-6 hours is plenty...I've seen starfish get acclimated for 25 minutes and they are still alive and fine today....(it wasn't a blue linkia) it was a green brittle.


I had no probs with a 12 hour acclimation of a blue star and today I added 2 brittles stars in 2 hours. Im sure there's a safe way to do things, but I decided to go for it after 12 hours.
He seems happy. He even went for a walk across my 70 gallon tank within 15 minutes.
No offense Tang, I appreciate your advice.