how do you age tanks?


Active Member
It depends on the manufacturer, but I know for sure that AGA and Perfecto (and therefore any tank made by them sold under a different name, E.G. top-fin) have a tag on them tucked under the frame somewhere that indicates the date built.
Unfortunately, you may need to empty the tank to see it if it's on the bottom.


My 55 had a sticker on the bottom that had it. At one point. Eventually it was no longer readable. My 150 had it written in marker on one of the sides so cleaning obviously removed that.


what is the expected life of a tank until it needs to be resealed? i want to buy a used tank but want to make sure it wont need any fixes in the near future.


Active Member
I currently have 15 year old tanks in use with their original seals and have had no problems, but that's far from a guarantee.


Active Member
Yea I have a perfecto aquarium I think. Its the 29 you get at wallmart. Its got a sticker on the bottom. Mine was made in 03 I think so Im not worried.