how do you caculate gallons


just a quick and easy what are all the formulas to finding how many gallons are in a custum made tank
I dont have any dimentions i was just wanderin so if i ever wanted to make my own tank.


New Member
Well a gallon is 231 cubic inches... so no matter what the dimensions of the new tank, find the area of the base in inches, and multiply that times the height (also in inches). Take the answer and divide it by 231, and you'll have your gallons.


New Member
First you have to find the cubic feet of the tank LxWxH. Then using the converstion factor of 7.48 to get your gallons. Heres and example of my tank
1 cubic foot = 7.48 US gallons
L=30" = 2.5'
W= 12" = 1'
H= 18" = 1.5'
2.5'x1'x1.5' = 3.75 cubic feet
3.75 x 7.48 = 28 gallons


Active Member
Originally Posted by martinc909
what if we have like a hexagon type tank. would it be the volume divided by 231?
Yes, total volume in sq. inches


Active Member
Yes but...
it's not just height x length x width to get total volume...also need to calculate area of triangular area and multiply X height...:thinking:


Active Member
See...All them years in school wondering "What the heck am I EVER going to use This Information For..???"
Finally paying off...(for those that paid attention...