How do you calibrate a Seaclone 150??



Hi all,
Just replaced my stupid airstone powered skimmer with a SeaClone 150 this past week. I know they require a break-in period, and that's fine. My question is this: How do you stop the thing from spewing all it's bubbles into the DT instead of the cup??? Now, before this misleads anyone, if I turn the air up half a turn or more it starts pouring foam into the neck of the collection cup and if left alone will start filling the cup with water. If I turn it down the foam level drops but the bubbles start POURING into the DT instead it seems... This skimmer is supposed to be a hang on OR sump but so far I can't see any way of calibrating it so it doesn't make your DT look like crap if you use the hang on method.... Has anyone managed to come up with a formula for calibrating a SeaClone 150 so that it doesn't spew all that air into the DT?
As I said: It WILL collect foam in the cup if the air is turned up high enough, but it just makes a mess of the DT. It seems to me that the designers could have put a very open-type of foam ring in the tube around the large insert tube and this would have strained out the bubbles before they GOT to the top and spilled out into the tank... But no, they leave a cm high gap at the bottom and when the air is turned up to any meaningful level bubbles slip under that gap and up-and-out to the DT.... Anyone have any tips, tricks, or anything of that sort?
I know I REALLY wanted to get a Coralife SuperSkimmer 125 but for what I paid for the 150 it was cheaper than anywhere else even online so.. guess I couldn't pass it up as my airstone powered skimmer was just awful... Anyway, ANY help with this would be appreciated :help: :help: !
i have i have had mine for 1 day and just like 3 hours ago got it working. Heres how to do it take off the ajuster lid for 30 sec then put it back on and the first resistance you fill make 1/4 turns when you start to see bubbles in the tank stop and make small ajustments backwards leave it like this for about 5 hours and should be working great


Active Member
This is the protein skimmer that I own and I almost ripped my hair out trying to get it to work. But I finally did and it works well!
I did have it hanging on the back of my 20 gal. but since I up graded to a 45, I made my 20 gal into a refug. and put it inside.
The way I got it dialed in, to answer your question, is I turned it up all the way and I started to slowly turn it down by micro turns. I did this until it was not creating hardly any foam. after about 20 minutes or so I would check to see if it was foaming. If it was filling the overflow with even a slight bit of water (Usually pretty clear at this stage) I turned it down a little more. It took about a week and a half for mine to break in and once it did I had no problem after that. I always left a towel under it as well in case it did overflow when I was out.
If you have any other questions about it please let me know.


another way to make it work better is to cut about a half inch off of the collection cup riser, that is the piece that is inside where the foam comes up from, it allows the foam to fall more easily into the cup, i don't know how far back the threads are archived, but i did this about 3 years ago, and it greatly increased my foam collection