How do you catch a damsel?!

salty james

I agree... you have to take all the LR out to get rid of the little

... got rid of mine about 2 months back... I am luck though I have two 30lb pieces of Rock so it was not that bad....
Well about 1 hour chasing them around the bare
tank.... they are fast and cunning...


I JUST CAUGHT A DAMSEL!! :D ;) :p :) . It took me 1 hour but i did it! i was feeding them and my net was in the tank and one stupid damsel came right up to eat and i got him. but now i still have 5 more to catch! :mad:


yeah i know! what do i do with it? my lfs is closed today for ???. im keeping him i a bucket witha a light over it . is that OK? :D


how long will the damsel live in bucket? im still trying to catch damsel #2! ANY MORE INFO WOULD HELP! THANKS.


Active Member
Great job on catching one of the lil buggers.
I just finished up removing all my rock and catching the pep shrimp. It took about 2 hours or so but I really love my new aquascape. Yes it does stir up the detrious a lot, but I am just running a H.O.T. filter with some carbon for a few days, other than that your clean up crew and the bacteria on the rock won't have a problem keeping up with the detrious cloud. No Worries :)