How do you catch a Tang??


Active Member
I have a yellow tang that is getting too big for my 46 bowfront. I want to catch him and get him out of there. He is very scared of anyone that walks by the tank...he always hides in the rock. Is there anyway anyone knows of getting the tang out? I've tried putting some seaweed in the net and let it sit there. he wouldn't come out cause he could see me standing there.


Alot of lfs have fish traps. It's a clear box with a hinged lid. Thi lid has a piece of fishing line tied to it. You put food in the trap and stand across the room and when the fish goes in, drop the line and no more tang.


Active Member
no more tang as in it's dead or no more tang like my tank will be without the tang because i safely removed it?
All I have to say is "good luck". When I got
my Yellow from a friends tank it was hell to get
em' out. We had to remove 75% of the LR, so he gave me that too.
But anyway good luck


New Member
i was at the lfs today and they used a clear box that had no top and then they just chased it into the box with a net. didnt take them 2 minutes to do it.


Active Member
I boutght a trap online and it works great. I have caught several fish in it. I wish I could give you the website but it is against the rules. You might find one at The may have the PET supply that will provide you with the SOLUTION you need at swf.COM. if they do not read bettween the lines. Might be cheaper at 40 dollars where i got mine..


Active Member
Not to other places that sell products that might compete with That would be wrong. you SHOULD support swf but, if they dont have it, they dont have it....


Active Member
actually wamp, you may now post links to other vendors, this is true, they changed their rules a couple of weeks ago, but i myself, and others still support them by not doing so, and encouraging others not to either, but it is now your right, and although i (and most others here)won't and encourage others to not do it, teh fact remains, it is your right, and i would not try to take that away by lieing and saying it is not allowed, but if they have them here, i do encourage you to check them out, because their prices are very reasonable, and often just down right LOW
please support buy using their sponsors, they have given us a great site to trade ideas and help each other out, at NO charge, and do deserve our support, whenever possible so we can keep this board(it is my 2d addiction, my tank is 1st)