How do you catch fish in tank?


Active Member
hey i was wondering how i can go about catching some of the fish i have in my tank without having to destroy the entire tank to get to them.....
i want to get rid of all my damsils 1 blue/2 yellow tail and one 3 striped
they are just to aggressive and plus i think i have too many fish as it is already....
i tried putting some brine shrimp in the net but they know better is there another way i can catch them??


Active Member
anyone?? i need to get some of these damsils outta my tank and im not really feelin like destroyin my tank to do so....


Active Member
i tried gettin them to come out but as soon as they see the net in the water they hide in all the crevices in the rocks.... wont come out for anything.... this sucks


Active Member
lol! i didnt want to do that though.... thats a lot of darn rock to take out.... i wonder if i could go fishn?? hahaha :thinking:
those lil buggers are smart and of course the ones i dont wanna take out could care less and i could catch them in a second


Maybe you could put the net in the tank for a day or two without moving it, at least through a couple of feedings. Then when you feed once--move quickly. I have a three-stripe that I managed to just sort of suck in to the pitcher when I did some major renovations yesterday. Just lucky, I guess.


Active Member
Actually, I have this glass jar with a hinged cover. I tie a piece of string in the clasp of the cover put shrimp in bottom and wait.....when they swim in, let go of string. You have to wait somethimes for hours and of course all the other fish will go in, but if you really dont want to break it down, give it a try.


Forgive me for a useless post, but I have to comment--necessity really IS the mother of invention, isn't it?


Active Member
Well there is one suggestion that I haven't tried yet but catch all other fish that are easy to remove then get a mini hook to fish them out with bait hehehe... It should work but it could give the fish a messed up lip though.


New Member
If you take a small (20 oz.) plastic water bottle, wide mouth if possible. Cut the top two inches off, ivert it and put it mouth first into the base of the bottle drop some brine in the bottom put in on the substrate and wait for the fish you want to catch to swim in, they can't easily find there way out. Did this to catch three damsels early on in my tank life. Took 4 minutes to catch all three.


Active Member
thanks for the good ideas every1.... im gonna try them and see what happends.... hopefully i can catch them one way or another .... ill let u know how and "if" i catch them.... if being the main question :happyfish


Yeah...those #-%&*damels are very difficult to catch. The best way to do this is to use a large square piece of tupperware or something similar. Place the tupperware in the tank and leave it there for a minute or two; feed the fish; use a net a "guide" the fish into the tupperware. I learned this from watching the guy - my lfs.


Active Member
what is the tupperwear meant to do...?? lol sorry i dont understand u guide the fish to the tupperwear and then what try to put a lid in it or scoop it out or something??
i think these lil fish know everytrick im plannin on doin they stay right against the rocks when they c me open the canopy