how do you clean your tank when.....


Coralife Aqua Gloves are full-arm length with elastic bands to hold them snugly on the upper arm The gloves measure 28 in total length and are made of the finest PVC material with fiber-reinforced sleeves
I use these...on about 20 bucks

small triggers

Active Member
I feed my fish on one side of the tank, and try to put a piece of acrylic inbetween the side im working on and the fish,,,


Active Member
I don't have venomous fish but I use an magnetic scrapper from "algae free" that works great for cleaning the glass. Its just a piece of plastic that has a bracket to mount a razor blade to and the whole assembly is glued to a mag float. It makes short work of the any algae that forms on the glass even coraline.


Active Member
No it isn't in the water, the venom I believe is the slime coating on the spines I don't think they have poison sacks like snakes or spiders.


Active Member
I just make sure I am aware of where he is when I have my hand/arm in the tank. plus he stays away from me


Active Member
i really want a foxface but i was afraid something would happen, even if they did sting someone is it possible that the person who got stung could die?


i had a foxface that went insane and i had to break apart rocks to get it out to hopefully save it. i got poked but nothing that normal?


I have a black foxface, and when i stick my hand and arm in the tank i just wiggle my fingers and he goes and hides in a cave till i am done, but i do keep an eye on him with my arm in the tank,he has never come near me


Same here, my Foxface goes to his hiding spot in the rocks and stays there until I am through cleaning. Even if he were out and about I would not worry much about him because they are not aggressive at all, the only thing would be if you scared it and it stuck you accidentally. Good luck with your decision and I will tell you that I love my Foxface, he is my buddy!


Active Member
I dont have anything I worry about but I LOVE this thing. completely clean glass and dry hands

for casual glass cleaning magnet cleaners

anything else gets siphoned out with a long hose.


Active Member
I have 2 stingrays and a large volitan lion... these fish are not looking to sting you. I have my hands in the tank everyday and have handfed all of my venomous fish. You just have to be aware of where your fish are in the tank and, if the fish gets too close, just waive at it to shoo it away.

eric b 125

let me start by saying that i dont own any fish that pack a punch. my thoughts on owning them are: these are defense mechanisms, and i dont think that the fish/ray will use them unless they feel threatened. most of the time if you stick your hand in the water, fish will swim away. i dont know if i would 'shoo' the fish away, but crimzy owns these fish and has much experience on me. i just think that it could unneccessarily stress the fish out. if the lionfish should get one over on ya, you're supposed to soak your hand/arm wherever the sting is, in water that is as hot as you can tolerate without causing a burn. (in case you didnt know)