How Do You Do Use Them?


I have all Salifert test kits and I think I have been doin my testing all wrong. The little shringes that come with each kit do you put the recommended amount of water in the shringe.. Then use those shringes to fill up the little clear plastic bottle to the recommended amount of water listed on the clear plastic bottle as 1ml and so on?.. How is it done?


Look in the instructions and you get water in the bigger of the 2 syringes the small long ones like in the CA kit get the stuff in the bottles.--Add the amount of water that the instructions say.--If you need help with a specific kit let me know what one.


I don't have or use the PH one sorry.
fill 5ml syringe with 2ml of water and put in test vial
fill the 1ml syringe with 1ml of reagent (bottle with stuff in it)
add .05 of reagent to the vial swirl 30sec
add the last .05 swirl 10sec
allow to stand 5 minutes
swirl again 5sec
look from the side of vial and check color.
1ml of water in test vial
1 level scoop of powder press to compress
add powder to water and swirl 30 sec
let stand 3minn
Low range look from the side of vial and check color
High check from the top for color
1ml of water in test vial
1 level scoop of powder add to water and swirl 20sec
let stand for 3minn
looking from top check color
Hope that helps
PS if any of the test kits have a thin syringe that is used only for things in the bottles.
Like the CA and ALK kits.