How Do You Feed A Green Brain? Where Is His Mouth?


How do you actually feed this guy. I feel like when we spot feed everything just floats away..where is his moutht....we have tried the toothpick thing, the turkey baster.....please help....our brain not looking great, but not sure how to actually feed him .....was told when we purchased that cyclo peez would be enough for him if put into the tank....please help!


His mouth(s) are little slits in the middle of him. Usually the brain will extend little tenticles and I just squirt the food on them. He then brings the food to his mouth all by himself. But if your brain isn't doing so well then he may not be sticking his tenticles out. Hope that helps a little.


we have never seen tentacles on our brain which is what is throwing us off. I see the mouths and always assumed that is what they were. Still no tentacles..we just tried to give it some mysis/cytoplankton mix and used a medicine dropper to try and push a little to the mouth area. Don't think it is eating, but yes, we wondered about this...worried about him dying in the tank adn polluting it..what should we do?


I would try turning off any powerheads you may have for a minute so that there is no flow in your tank to blow away the food. Then set a piece of food on his mouth and watch to see if he takes it. If you have a shrimp, keep him back so he doesn't steal the food.


Try just holding the food right by the mouth. Might take a minute or so, but holding it with tongs or chopsticks will work. Finally it just sticks on to the brain and it will pull the food in!


thanks for this great advice, I am going to give it a rest tonight and try again tomorrow. I have tried a few things and am worried about all the stuff getting in the tank tonight. gonna try tomorrow!!