How do you feed corals?


My LFS said you don't have to feed corals, he gave something you put in the water once a week and he said that's fine. It looks like most of you feed your corals mysis. How do you do it? Do you get a turkey baster and feed them that way? How do you make sure other fish don't eat the food?


Active Member
Turkey baster, but for the smaller coral I use a smaller syringe. I got it from the ones that come with the seachem test kits, they work great. As for the fish, I feed my coral at night when the fish are resting, although sometimes my clown is hip to it and he gets a late night feast


Active Member
I dump rotifiers or zooplankton too small for fish in front of the powerhead after the main lights go out. If they happen to luck up and catch some fish food and poop which I'm sure they do more power to them.