How Do you get Rid of Algae hair???


Active Member
OK, I have been really busy lately and have beeen keeping up the tank lately, I found out my filter pump broke. So, I turned off all the lights and pumps and scrubbed the algae hair off the algae hair best as possible, and then did a 15 gallon water change, then put a new pump on the filter and have a new filter running. Right now the pumps are on, and the filter is running I am keeping the lights off right now too. Is their anything you guys can recommend to get rid of this algae hair?????


Check the phosphate levels and nitrate levels in your tank, that might be your problem in your case. If that is your problem, you should do a 10% water change every other day with RO/DI water. If you don't do it with RO/DI water, you might just be putting nitrates and phosphates back into the tank. You should this for 2-3 weeks and then see how your situation is then. After you test give me your test resulsts then I can give my true opinion on the matter.