How do you get your RO/DI water?


I'm doing what I can to run a tank on a budget, and I've been using tap water so far (...*ducks*). After a month things seem okay, but everybody says this is the #1 no-no.
So how is it you get your RO water? Do you own equipment? What units? Do you buy it? Where?


Active Member
I started out by purchasing RO water at my lfs. You carry in empty jugs, they fill it up for you. But it didn't take long to get tired of this method, so I bought my own RODI system. They come in a wide range of prices, but expect to pay a minimum of $150 even for a simple one. But the convenience of having your own RO water at home, readily available, and having the peace of mind that you know what's going into your tank, is priceless.


Thanks! I've been trolling around for a while.. Learned alot. Still looking forward tomaking all the proper noob mistakes.


If you have a walmart near you you can get 5gals. for about $13.00 the first time and $.37 a gal after. Welcome aboard. Happy reefing.

tank a holic

Active Member
I know I'll catch the devil for this but when I had fish only I used tap water and it was fine, now understand that it was MY local water not YOUR local water, maybe your's is better or worse than mine
also understand I had issues with algae, but I treated the tap water for phosphates and got the algae under control
now.... I have a reef now and use only ro/di water and recommend it to everyone, no matter what kind of tank you have it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED but not mandatory (most on here will argue this to the death but i'm just sayin i did it and it worked) all I'm saying is you should get ro/di but if you can't afford it or it's not convenient right now you can wait
got my own ro/di 6 stage, 100 gpd for under $150 on the big auction site
let the arrows fly


Well-Known Member
I fill 5g jugs up at the fish store premixed. I used ot go to wal-mart and filled the jugs then mixed my salt at home. Both ways worked for me.
My well water is so nasty that buying a ro unit is not an option. Wal-mart charges $.65 the premixed is $1.50
As for tap water, I used it with freshwater fish, not with saltwater. The cheapest freshwater fish costs $2.00 compared to the cheapest saltwater fish at $18.00. If a saltwater creature likes RO water ,then RO water it shall have.


How easy are the ro units to set up and use? I don't actually understand how they do it. I rent my apt and tearing down walls isn't an option. There isn't any such thing as a small unit that just connects to the faucet and filters like that.. Is there?


New Member
Ya Corrallife sells a good unit that hooks to your faucet for around $160. I just bought one myself. It is pretty slow on the output, but it works good. I would not use anything but the RO water.
OK good question. I also got mine from the bidding site but anyway. Mine can hook right up the the sink,hose,hard plumbed. Basically anything that is most convenient for me it can do. As for how they work. They all have 3 tubes. red,blue,white. On mine the blue hooks up to my sink and the white is my good ro/di water. The red tube is the waste water the the unit cannot do anything more with. Which is tons by the way. I think its like for every gallon that goes into the unit only 15% will be usable.(there a few threads on here about what you can do with the waste water because there is so much). I have a 75gpd unit which is IMO the most efficient. When buying one you just want to make sure to buy the best one you can with your budget. Also never empty your ro/di unit when done. Always keep the membranes wet. And always let it run for about 5 to 10 minutes after it sits unused for any amount of time. Hope this helps


Great info, thank you. I will be keeping an eye out for a deal on one of these. If you see a deal while surfing post a link! Thanks all


Active Member
I have 2, 5 gallon jugs that I fill at a Glacier water machine. I was using tap prior to that and had some algae issues. Since I switched I have not had any problems
(except recently


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil.guppy
I have 2, 5 gallon jugs that I fill at a Glacier water machine. I was using tap prior to that and had some algae issues. Since I switched I have not had any problems
(except recently
cut back feedings and increase water changes for the next will see the process reverse...

naclh2o nut

Search around but find a way to use RO/DI water. Mine arrived two weeks ago. I also got tired of lugging water from wal-mart. It would work for you 38 gal.
I spent about $120 on filter and another 10 to hookup. I am now using RO/DI water in fresh water tank and in a matter of two weeks the glass and rocks are staying clean enough for the algae eater to keep up. I have not had to clean this tank now for a week.

As for the salt the water is now clear and started to see alot more coraline, plus have had two hairy mushrooms (almost) turn to 4.(days away) Xenia split and several new zoas pop up. I will never go back!