Active Member
Originally Posted by turtle66
My tank is in our front room and our house has windows up near the ceiling. Needless to say, at night, the house glows a purplish-blue color and if we open the tank lid - WWWWHHHOOOAAA!!!![/ We did have a couple of neighbors ask us what was up with that.... But the law hasn't shown up...yet.
Wait till they discover the hallucinogenic mangroves growing in your fuge!
My tank is in our front room and our house has windows up near the ceiling. Needless to say, at night, the house glows a purplish-blue color and if we open the tank lid - WWWWHHHOOOAAA!!!![/ We did have a couple of neighbors ask us what was up with that.... But the law hasn't shown up...yet.
Wait till they discover the hallucinogenic mangroves growing in your fuge!