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It's good to know that we can have a successful 29 gallon tank. From what we have heard the bigger they are the easier they are to maintain. I would like to try and see if we can be successful in this tank before trying to upgrade. I know that I will be going tomorrow to buy some of these test kits and a bunch of disstilled water. Do you still put the water conditioner in the distilled water or is it ready to go after you add the salt?
We have used the same bucket for all of our water chnges since we started the tank and it was new at the time. Each time I do another water change I rinse it out before filling it up. So I should do about 3-4 gallons of water change once a week?
We have a Penquin 200 Bio Wheel filter, a Penguin 550 powerhead 145 GPH, and a SeaClone 100 protein skimmer.
Is windex a serious no-no? If so what do ya all recommend for keeping the little fingerprints off the glass?
rstiles - What is the buffer talked about? Something you put in the water?
hansgraf, as everyone else has stated, I'm really sorry you've had such a hard time.
I'm maintaining a 37 gallon tank with, well I won't say "no" problems, but very few and I'm managing them at the moment...that can always change as I've found.
Is your Wal Mart a super center? If so, they will have a "drinking water" machine, probably back by the other beverages. The initial cost for the containers is like 12-13 bucks filled for 3 gallons (I bought 2), but after that bring the containers back for a refill of less than 2 bucks for both!! I also started out with distilled tap before I found this site, and I think I may have dodged a few bullets by switching quick enough. After enough of the water changes with RO, you will be amazed at the quality of life in your tank. I generally keep two 3gal containers on hand during any given week. This works well for me with topping off and changes...I do a 10% change every week, even since my skimmer is in, just cause I love to do it, weird, I know. :help:
As far as the Windex goes, I've tried furiously to keep any kind of chemicals away from my tank. I just use a clean cloth towel, and I'm getting some new cloth diapers for that purpose...I'm hoping they'll also work great on the windshield of my car.
You will definitely have a healthy 29 gallon...you're in the right place. Whenever I get a "wild hair" I come here first to see if it's feesible. Everyone here is great to share.
Lisa :happyfish