how do you know if an acro is dead?


Active Member
got a miami ochid frag and the shipment was delayed. came in today and its pure white. the water smelled HORRIBLE but it didnt smell of decay. it was that normal acro scent but it was 10X stronger than normal. The frag is all white but you can still see where the blue polyps would have been. Its in my tank now in case its alive. Would it contaminate my tank if its dead?

jam marine

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,but if its white as you described,it sounds like a goner,if you could post a picture it would help.


Active Member
ya the company already refunded it. I wasnt expecting people to say it was gonna pull through. Just wanted to make sure though. And yes it is pure white. supposed to be dark blue.


Active Member
give it a shot and place it in the water. a dead acro wont contaminate ur water too bad at all, since there is no tissue to decay.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
give it a shot and place it in the water. a dead acro wont contaminate ur water too bad at all, since there is no tissue to decay.
its in there now. If I were to frag a different acro and glue that frag to this one, will the new frag eventually encrust this ones skeleton?


Well-Known Member
Eh, no harm in putting it in the water and seeing if it will come back. If nothing, you have a little more live rock rubble for your tank :D


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
its in there now. If I were to frag a different acro and glue that frag to this one, will the new frag eventually encrust this ones skeleton?
I don't think so. Personally I've never tried it. I guess just like anything in this hobby - experiment!


Well-Known Member
Acro's have different types of skeletons. Most scientists can not distinguish what type of acro it is until they bleach it out and examine the skeleton under the microscope.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
its in there now. If I were to frag a different acro and glue that frag to this one, will the new frag eventually encrust this ones skeleton?
if its the encrusting type of sps, then it will grow over the dead skeleton of the miami orchid.