how do you measure red sea salt?


I'm not sure I understand? Are you trying to figure out how to measure the salinity? You need to either get a hydrometer or a refractometer. Refractometers are more expensive, but way more accurate. You will be able use this tool to measure your salinity. If you have a reef tank it would be best to keep it in a range of 1.024-1.026.


Active Member
1.4 lbs of red sea salt will make 5 gallons of RO water at 1.022. I use this salt. I usually get 1.025 with that amount in 5 gallons. I guess it depends on the temperature.



Yes, you need a hydrometer or a refractometer to measure the SG of the saltwater.
BTW, its usally 1/2 cup of salt to 1 gallon of RO water - that gets you to about 1.024.
Good Luck!