How do you move a 180 gallon tank to another room in your home -need advice please !!


Here is my story, I want to buy 150 to 180 gallon tank and put it in my living room.
In about 8 months I am going to be renovating the living room so I will have to move the tank to another room in my home for about 1 month and then move it back.
Since I don't have the tank yet I was hoping someone could give me some options on how to do this. Due to the weight I don't think I could find a stand and have wheels put on it.
What the heck do people do ? I really don't want to wait until next spring to get another tank when the room is finished ...
thanks !!!


New Member
Develop a relationship with a local aquarium shop and have them keep your livestock during renovation. This can be risky but it is what I did when I had to have my floor repaired. My brother setup a second smaller tank, as a holding tank, in another part of the house but he only needed this for a long weekend.


Active Member
Get a rubbermaid tank or something along those lines and transfer everything to it. Then you can either leave everything in the rubbermaid for the time being, or set the aquarium back up in a different room by transferring from the rubbermaid to the tank. Might be eaiser if you set up in a different room in the first place, then move the tank to the room you want it in later. That way you only have to move it once.


Active Member
wait it out w/o a doubt! that is way too much trouble for 8 months, espicially w./ a tank that size///
but when u move a tank, put all the fish in buckets w/ their water, empty all the water into other buckets, empty live rock, move the tank, put eveything back, slowly not disturbing the sand... i've done it like 3 times already w/ no problems


I say wait,i know this from experience.I have 190g and when i moved it i caused it to leak and that is why i am setting up a new one as we speak. :mad: Not counting it takes alot of time and muscle to move a tank that size.


Active Member
I agree with most on here to wait until you hav the room finished setting up the tank just to move it within one month will be very stressfull on your fish by chosing to do so you risk losing some if not all due to over stress.and if your fish dont die your spouse prolly will kill you for all the undue stess it will make on them lol


i would say wait i am talking from my exp. this year i moved to a new house and the house was only 10 miles away i moved my 90 gallon to the new house we moved the tank on a friday and the rest of the stuff on sat. it took 6 hours just to tear the tank down ,move it and set it back up it was alot of work but the good news i lost nothing i reused all the same water it went ok . and then my brother bought a new house in sept. and we had to move his 110 gallon .we did it the same way it took us 5 hours he only moved 4 miles but we still did it the day before he lost nothing as well but if i new i was going to set a tank up and have to move it a month later i would surely wait till all the reno was done ....