How do you move a anemone?


I see people try to place them in a better location, how is this done without getting stung. Is a net safe to use?


Active Member
ur not supposed to move them. if u move them from a spot where they like it, they will just move back


Active Member
Some species of anemones will sting more than others. I have never had a problem nor heard of a problem where a BTA has stung smoebody.


Active Member
Oh, and to move it, I slowly peel the foot off little by little. And I think by moving my had around the tentacles and irritating it it seems to lessen its grip on the rock a bit. If you have the slightest doubt that you will not be able to get it off the rock just leave it. Better than to hurt it trying.


Thanks guys, I actually moved it with a net, I put it in my tank 2 weeks ago and he went under a rock. I just put new lights in and he seemed to be trying to get out from there to the point that he was completely rolled up in a closed position. It was easier than I tought to scoop him up and move him to the other side of the tank where he now opened up completly.
Thanks for the help