How do you properly clean a tank?


Active Member
I'm gonna stick my neck out and guess you don't exactly use Windex to clean your tank...but I want to definitely sterilize and clean up a pair of used tanks I bought today...its something Ive never done so I hope someone out there knows exactly what I need to do. I'm not going to ask the LFS cause Id rather hear from people hear since I'm sure I'll get better advice.


Originally Posted by spunky
vinegar and water and alot of elbow grease :) never use any cleaning chemicals in your tanks.
Thats how I just did my new 90 gallon. Came out like brand new! Get some good scrubbers and a scraper (for fish tanks) You will need them anyway.


Active Member
This also works for sterilizing equipment, I soaked my 55 salt mix container overnight with vinegar wate rsolution, worked like a charm.


Active Member
Works for pumps - power heads and any equipment that has coralline and gunk on it. A good soak in vinegar water solution does wonders. Just remember to rinse before using in tank again.


Active Member
is it a heavy or diluted mixture? do i fill the tank and pour in a bottle of vinegar? or do i do a spray bottle and wipe down tank?
should i spray and wipe immediately? should spray and let it site a bit before wiping?
thanks for all the responses.


I used a 50/50 mixture and sprayed it on and wiped it on. Let it soak a few minutes then scrub away!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaryG
I used a 50/50 mixture and sprayed it on and wiped it on. Let it soak a few minutes then scrub away!
do you use scrub brush? sponge? or a happy the green and yellow brillow sponges/pads


Active Member
Be very careful about what kind of sponges you use! allot of sponges have soap or other solution's in them. DONT use brillo pads! Go to your LFS and buy cleaner sponges that are made for fish tanks. +100 on the white vinegar solution