How do you remove copper?


? What do you want to do? You will never want to put coral in a tank that has run copper. To put fish in I would think you could just do a big water change for a few weeks?


Active Member

Originally Posted by fordsvt04
What is the best and quickest way to remove copper from your tank?



Active Member
Copper is bad...
Copper contaminates your live rock and substrate rendering it dangerous for future inverts.


Active Member
IMO water changes will not completely get rid of it. You need to run carbon to get rid of it.


I thought copper would leech into the silacone? I would think you would need to strip the sealer and start from scratch!?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Symon
I thought copper would leech into the silacone? I would think you would need to strip the sealer and start from scratch!?

I have heard it both ways, so who knows. But I do know that carbon will take it out and I would think it will only leech out so much before it would be all gone.


I used copper a year ago to treat an ich outbreak. I was able to get all traces of copper out of my tank very quickly with a few things.
Cuprisorb, Chemi-pure, and poly filters. I also used another kind of filter simular to the poly filter that worked really well. I am not sure the name of it but it was brown and sold next to the poly filters at my LFS. Over all it took about 4 months to get it all out. I had 40lbs of LR as well.
I still have it checked to this day by my LFS to make sure that the LR did not absorb it and is slowly leaking it back into the tank. No signs of that happening.
It also depends on the kind of copper you use. I reccomend Seacure copper treatment. It worked for me.
Good luck!


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Water changes and carbon cannot remove it from your live rock and substrate.
actually it will just not fast. Its science (osmosis).
The copper in the rock/ substrate will diffuse out into the water provided there is less copper in the water than there is in the rock. Eventaully when you remove water you will remove the copper with it. and over time the copper will be removed.


i was always told that traces of copper will always remain in your tank. even if you use carbon or poly filters it stays in live rock ( if used in a tank with live rock). that what i always thought and never put inverts in the one tank i used copper on because of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by boozzbro
actually it will just not fast. Its science (osmosis).
The copper in the rock/ substrate will diffuse out into the water provided there is less copper in the water than there is in the rock. Eventaully when you remove water you will remove the copper with it. and over time the copper will be removed.
I stand corrected...
Given hundreds of thousands of gallons of water changes and a few thousand years a tank can be almost certainly assumed to be free of copper.

There have been reports of copper leeching out of the silcone of glass tanks. Since no one can predict the leeching timetable you run into the problem of trying to "guess" when your tank is clean.
The moral to the story is "Don't medicate your display tank". If you have made a mistake and done so, be on watch for mysterious invert deaths should you choose to risk it and introduce them.


see whats weird is that coper was not put into the tank. Im guessing it eaither came from some water or maybe a piece of lr that was added to the tank. We are not sure? So from what I understand is if we just do water changes like normal and we have been using the poly filters that end up turning a really light blue which I have heard that means there is not that much copper then.


well if you have a 100 gallon tank it would take you about 4 months if you do a 10% water change each week if 10 ppm is trapped in the live rock and you dose in 100 ppm of copper. so it theoretically wont take too long.