How do you set up a new bigger tank when you have one running


Hi, can someone pls help out?
I had an unfortunate situation with my clowns in my 16 gallon (due to my own fault).
I want to get a bigger tank - at least double but looking for 40.
Can you please advise if I should start from scratch OR if I could use some of my water or my biofilter to speed up the process?
Also, should I just throw out what I have there and just buy new liverock? Pic below
Thank you


Active Member
if your first tank was already fully cycled then you can add the live sand and rock into the new tank then a cycle is not needed. Ive dont this about 3 times with no problem. But if your first tank is not cycled then you may want to start from scratch.


i just went from a 55 i had for 2 years to a 90 ... my 90 i used all the same rocks and added some too... all new sand, filters, pumps, lights and corals too


Well my concern is more of how to add water.
Let's say mine is only 16 gallon. If I get 40 gallon that's almost 3 times the size.
So, do I add 2/3 of regular water add salt, etc and then add 1/3? Or do I add my water with new water, then check salinity?
Do I do it at the same time? Do it one after another?
Also, my sand had those little worms there were eating the dead snails - do I want them or should I get new sand?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Trotsky123 http:///forum/thread/383696/how-do-you-set-up-a-new-bigger-tank-when-you-have-one-running#post_3357811
Well my concern is more of how to add water.
Let's say mine is only 16 gallon. If I get 40 gallon that's almost 3 times the size.
So, do I add 2/3 of regular water add salt, etc and then add 1/3? Or do I add my water with new water, then check salinity?
Do I do it at the same time? Do it one after another?
Also, my sand had those little worms there were eating the dead snails - do I want them or should I get new sand?

Okay…First the worms are a CUC, they eat the dead which is a very good thing. So keep your sand and you may need to add some more besides. Keep your rock and add some besides. Get a tub mark it FISH ONLY and keep it for water changes.
Fill the tub with RO water, add a power head to churn things real good and add the salt until it matches the water's SG you already have. It is like a big water change. After churning the new saltwater for 24 hours add it to the new tank with the old water, sand and rock. Acclimate any critters to the new tank and you should be all set.


I stuck a garden hose in my tank before I added sand then added the salt with some powerheads ... a weekish later I had the salt level where I wanted it .. added sand ....all my l/r ... I got new filter but used the same media from my old .... taking old sans is a pain I got all new....took it from the masons who had some white sand .. cleaned that shit out till it ran didn't cloud my water at all when I added it my tanks.... my tanks thriving


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bostonjoey http:///forum/thread/383696/how-do-you-set-up-a-new-bigger-tank-when-you-have-one-running#post_3358040
I stuck a garden hose in my tank before I added sand then added the salt with some powerheads ... a weekish later I had the salt level where I wanted it .. added sand ....all my l/r ... I got new filter but used the same media from my old .... taking old sans is a pain I got all new....took it from the masons who had some white sand .. cleaned that shit out till it ran didn't cloud my water at all when I added it my tanks.... my tanks thriving

I DON'T intend to be mean but...
How is all the hair algae doing? RO (reverse osmoses) water is pure and there is nothing in it but what YOU put in it...your salt mix has what your tank critters need. Tap water has all kinds of stuff in it, like fluoride and chloride...stuff in tap water feeds bad algae.
Not to mention OP has critters he wants to put in the tank right away. Your method wold kill the sand, rock and any tiny good critter already in there and cause him to have to cycle the tank..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/383696/how-do-you-set-up-a-new-bigger-tank-when-you-have-one-running#post_3358051
Originally Posted by bostonjoey
I stuck a garden hose in my tank before I added sand then added the salt with some powerheads ... a weekish later I had the salt level where I wanted it .. added sand ....all my l/r ... I got new filter but used the same media from my old .... taking old sans is a pain I got all new....took it from the masons who had some white sand .. cleaned that shit out till it ran didn't cloud my water at all when I added it my tanks.... my tanks thriving

I intend to be mean but...
How is all the hair algae doing? RO (reverse osmoses) water is pure and there is nothing in it but what YOU put in it...your salt mix has what your tank critters need. Tap water has all kinds of stuff in it, like fluoride and chloride...stuff in tap water feeds bad algae.
Not to mention OP has critters he wants to put in the tank right away. Your method wold kill the sand, rock and any tiny good critter already in there and cause him to have to cycle the tank..
Easy there Flower. I use tap water in my tank also, for the time being, and have been doing so for a very long time. No hair algea, no crap no nothing wrong, for fish. Its tough keeping polys and softies, but it can be done. So with that said, you could and can use the "garden hose" if need be. Its not the best, but, yes you can do it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SaltFan http:///forum/thread/383696/how-do-you-set-up-a-new-bigger-tank-when-you-have-one-running#post_3358208
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/383696/how-do-you-set-up-a-new-bigger-tank-when-you-have-one-running#post_3358051
Originally Posted by bostonjoey
I stuck a garden hose in my tank before I added sand then added the salt with some powerheads ... a weekish later I had the salt level where I wanted it .. added sand ....all my l/r ... I got new filter but used the same media from my old .... taking old sans is a pain I got all new....took it from the masons who had some white sand .. cleaned that shit out till it ran didn't cloud my water at all when I added it my tanks.... my tanks thriving

I DON'T intend to be mean but...
How is all the hair algae doing? RO (reverse osmoses) water is pure and there is nothing in it but what YOU put in it...your salt mix has what your tank critters need. Tap water has all kinds of stuff in it, like fluoride and chloride...stuff in tap water feeds bad algae.
Not to mention OP has critters he wants to put in the tank right away. Your method wold kill the sand, rock and any tiny good critter already in there and cause him to have to cycle the tank..
Easy there Flower. I use tap water in my tank also, for the time being, and have been doing so for a very long time. No hair algea, no crap no nothing wrong, for fish. Its tough keeping polys and softies, but it can be done. So with that said, you could and can use the "garden hose" if need be. Its not the best, but, yes you can do it.

My back is out and the medicine makes me tired and very grouchy
. So I f I sound like I'm ready to jump down your throat..LOL..I am. Not really..This is not a new tank. The OP has a small tank he wants incorporated into a larger tank.
He can’t just set up a hose or he will kill everything. He has some sand but needs more, he has some rock but needs more..he also already has livestock and can’t just run a hose and toss some salt in there and wait a week.


Ok, my livestock (5 snails and 1 crab) and my biowheel is in my 2.5 gallon tank for time being.
I added 25 gallons with salt for a day with powerhead - salinity is 1.026 - my 16 gallon has 1.020 or so.
Can I add my old water now to bring it up to normal salinity and get rid of the old 16 gallon tank in the middle of my room?
I want to buy a canister filter - the problem i realized is that the space on the cabinet is very small about 15 in tops
- are there nice smaller canister filter I can buy.


In compact space I like rena canister filter they are relatively cheap too .... as for all the quoting on me I was not asking for any opinion, it is exactly what I did ,almost exactly how I did it , and the conclusion of what I did ... I didst tell him to do anything was just putting it out there ...yes I did kill all my sand ... no it didn't kill my liverock .... and my tank is. Super happy ... heck my chilli coral hasn't looked this healthy in like 9 months .... and truth be known all the sand came from the jobsite a huge like if mason sand I pulled my truck up and took a shovel and scooped some sand ... brout it home cleaned it out until it ran clean water .... best Lookemng sand I ever had


Active Member
Originally Posted by Trotsky123 http:///forum/thread/383696/how-do-you-set-up-a-new-bigger-tank-when-you-have-one-running#post_3358279
Ok, my livestock (5 snails and 1 crab) and my biowheel is in my 2.5 gallon tank for time being.
I added 25 gallons with salt for a day with powerhead - salinity is 1.026 - my 16 gallon has 1.020 or so.
Can I add my old water now to bring it up to normal salinity and get rid of the old 16 gallon tank in the middle of my room?
I want to buy a canister filter - the problem i realized is that the space on the cabinet is very small about 15 in tops
- are there nice smaller canister filter I can buy.
Yes, you can add the old tank water to the new water now. The 16 gallon would make a good QT tank.
Fluval canister filter. What size tank is it for? The 205 or 305 has a small footprint to fit your needs.
(I have heard some bad things about the Marineland and Rena canisters)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/383696/how-do-you-set-up-a-new-bigger-tank-when-you-have-one-running#post_3358359
Originally Posted by Trotsky123
Ok, my livestock (5 snails and 1 crab) and my biowheel is in my 2.5 gallon tank for time being.
I added 25 gallons with salt for a day with powerhead - salinity is 1.026 - my 16 gallon has 1.020 or so.
Can I add my old water now to bring it up to normal salinity and get rid of the old 16 gallon tank in the middle of my room?
I want to buy a canister filter - the problem i realized is that the space on the cabinet is very small about 15 in tops
- are there nice smaller canister filter I can buy.
Yes, you can add the old tank water to the new water now. The 16 gallon would make a good QT tank.
Fluval canister filter. What size tank is it for? The 205 or 305 has a small footprint to fit your needs.
(I have heard some bad things about the Marineland and Rena canisters)
Fluval + 1


Thank you guys.
I bought Fluval 205 - took me some time to put together but it's kickig all good. The only thing that confuses me is that instructions, LFS and research all contradict in reg to maintenance. Do I clean out the filter once a month under cold water? Do I clean ALL compartments or just some?
So my salinity came down to 1.024-1.025 - but I still have about 5 gallons to go to fill up - I guess I can just add RO water.
Also, I have original 100W heater that came with my 16 gallon - it does work, but is it good for this size tank?
Putting my sand in later today and then add my biowheel. QUESTION OF THE DAY: How long should I run biowheel that I have now together with my new canister?
Also, what do I need to do to keep my 6 snails and 1 crab alive in 2.5 gallon tank for few months if anything?
And last but not least - WHEN should I start buying live rock - in weeks, months, etc?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Trotsky123 http:///forum/thread/383696/how-do-you-set-up-a-new-bigger-tank-when-you-have-one-running#post_3358496
Thank you guys.
I bought Fluval 205 - took me some time to put together but it's kickig all good. The only thing that confuses me is that instructions, LFS and research all contradict in reg to maintenance. Do I clean out the filter once a month under cold water? Do I clean ALL compartments or just some? I do water changes every other week and perform the maintenance on the filter then. I only change/clean half the media at a time. I rinse the sponges and biomax (pretty much just swish in my old in my old wc water). This is what works for my tank.
So my salinity came down to 1.024-1.025 - but I still have about 5 gallons to go to fill up - I guess I can just add RO water. This salinity is good.
Also, I have original 100W heater that came with my 16 gallon - it does work, but is it good for this size tank? I would get a bigger heater.
Putting my sand in later today and then add my biowheel. QUESTION OF THE DAY: How long should I run biowheel that I have now together with my new canister? Why not make this filter with the biowheel into a small refuguim?

Also, what do I need to do to keep my 6 snails and 1 crab alive in 2.5 gallon tank for few months if anything? Maybe like 2 pellets once every week or so.

And last but not least - WHEN should I start buying live rock - in weeks, months, etc? You can start as soon as you have water in the tank.


You don't need to run the canister with carbon until the tank has inhabitants.