Other than getting opinions from people more knowledgable... is there a way to tell?
I have a 90 gallon with
1 large Yellow Tang
1 large Maroon Clown
2 Green Chromis
1 starterfish (forget what they are called)
1 yellow starterfish (again, no idea what it's called - all the fish came with the tank)
I'm currently QTing a small Coral Beauty.
I'd like to add more Chromis later on down the line. (3-6 months down the line)
Also is it just the fish that you think about when overstocking or everything (inverts and corals too)
Thank you!
I have a 90 gallon with
1 large Yellow Tang
1 large Maroon Clown
2 Green Chromis
1 starterfish (forget what they are called)
1 yellow starterfish (again, no idea what it's called - all the fish came with the tank)
I'm currently QTing a small Coral Beauty.
I'd like to add more Chromis later on down the line. (3-6 months down the line)
Also is it just the fish that you think about when overstocking or everything (inverts and corals too)
Thank you!