how does a qt tank stay up and running without fish?????????


Active Member
Some people dismantle the tank between uses.
Otherwise all you need to do is add RO water periodically to account for evaporation and keep the filtration and heating systems on. Lights aren't really needed. It will then be ready for your next purchase (or emergency treatment). A cycled tank is preferable.


Active Member
what is ro? so a cycled tank could be a 10 gallon tank i have had up for 8 months now with a six lined wrasse which will move into my new 30. i would need to take the lr out. do u still change filter every ,onth, and do you still do water changes? should i keep any "clean up crew" in there at all


The best way I would think to do it would be to keep some of the mediafilter cartridge in the sump of your main tank. This way you'll keep it seeded. You would want to start fresh everytime with new media if you use meds.
There's a lot of stuff out there on QT tanks. I feel most QT tanks are too small and sometimes do more harm then good. If done right then it a good thing.


Active Member
RO= Reverse osmosis water
Some people keep a small fish in the QT, or else you could just drop some flake food in it periodically to feed the bacteria.
I wouldn't keep inverts in it. You would need to remove them if treatment is necesarry (hypo or copper or whatever).