how does it fit?


:help: not to sound like the biggest idiot on the face of the planet but em... yeah, how do you get all of the extra equipment into a nano tank without removing the hood? I looked at pictures and there does not appear to be a place put the other eqipment if you keep the hood.
I am thinking of purchasing a 24 gallon nano and before I go and blow 250+ dollars on the tank alone I would like to know if I am going to have to completely chuck the hood altogether and if i have to do that than what is the point of the nano?
I have heard people saying that the equipment that is standard on the dx is not good enough for a reef tank to thrive on. And if I have to replace the both the filter and the lighting because they are not good enought than why not get regular tank and add the peices you want to that instead of spending copious amounts of money on a tank who's eqipment you will replace anyway? If I am completly wrong please tell me.
sorry if this appears to be a rant but I would rather not waste my money if it is not needed. i am a poor college student.



250 is about average for a 24 nano cube... i'd like to see you get a 24 cube for $30
i'd buy 5 right now