How does moving affect tanks?


I will probally be moving in the next 4-5 years... How hard is it to move a well established reef tank? Im thinking about maybe just building a freshwater tank now, then when we move in to our "family raising" house which we'll be at for probally 15+ years building a nice size saltwater tank.
How hard is it to move a salt water tank?
PS still having a hard time convincing the fiance to let me get this tank


Active Member
I've moved a tank before . . . its a lot of work, but if done properly is not a big deal at all.
Moving in 4-5 years??? Set it up now and get the ball rolling!!! :D


Iv just read it takes 4-6 weeks for cycles... and when moving i dont think id have the time to keep one tank in the old house while waiting 4-6 weeks for the new tank to cycle...
How do you move a tank.. Wouldnt it need to be trained just to carry it?? Then id need to cycle the tank again at that point right.. Where are the little fishies supposed to go during this time?


I just recently moved a 44 into my new house. Found out I broke it two weeks later when SW started going everywhere so I had to move it into a new 60 gallon Oceanic. So i've moved twice in the past 5 months.
It is a pain in the butt. But it is doable. Save as much water as you can, keep all your LR submerged during the move, and make as much new salt water as you can before. Plan it out and you'll be ok.
4-5 years? Get started on your tank! :)