How does this Fish wish-list look?


New Member
I have just finished cycling my 35 gallon with 17 lbs. of un-cured live rock, 17 lbs. of base rock & a 3-4 inch sand bed. Here's what I'm considering populating my tank with. (One fish per month, of course). Any ideas, opinions or additions would be greatly appreciated.
A few Blue Legged Hermits
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 or 2 Blue Reef Chromis
1 Cinnamon or Tomato Clown
1 Engineer Goby or Jawfish
1 Six Line Wrasse
1 Lawnmower Blenny
Thanks Everyone! I've avoided many newbie mistakes by using this board as a research tool.


it sounds good, but i believe you need the rock to be cured before you can put it in the tank with fish. Im not positive so dont quote me on it. Sounds good, tho if i were you, i would get a second opinion on the rock.

bang guy

It looks slightly cramped to me. It's doable but not at the rate of one fish a month. Try one fish every 3 months. The Blenny & the Engineer will get bigger than you would think. The Jawfish might be a better fit for the size of tank.
In my experience less than 5 chromis don't fair well but it could be just me.

sinner's girl

Blue Chromis get 5.1 inches. But the book says min 30gl. I'd get one, since 5 would be too many. But I've heard the same thing Bang said. odd numbers are better.
The sixline will need lots of hiding places (so lots of lr). I'd add more lr or more base rock as you can before you get the sixline.
Tome, he used the uncrued lr to cycle his tank, by the time he adds fish, the lr will be cured.


Active Member
Never understood the odd# of Chromis thing. I've got 6. They seem much happier than when I had just three. (As in they aren't near as skittish and they swim over more area of the tank now)