how does this list sound.....



im gonna get a 100 gallon tank for my birth day and i was wondering if these fish sound o.k.
emporer angel
clown trigger
black volitan lion fish
dog faced puffer
and my mom says i might get something bigger like a 150/180 if im if i do im thinkin about getting a dragon moray of some sort so does that sound if they are good tell me cause i really want them :jumping:


You will need a larger tank then that and I wouldn`t mix triggers with lionfish much they nip a lot


I wouldnt keep a lion and a trigger together. From what i have heard the trigger will shred the fins on ur lion. And clown triggers are extremely agressive. One of the top 3 agressive imo. If you want a trigger there are plenty of good ones that arnt as agressive. The emperor angle and the dogface should be fine in a 100 but im sure some one will tell you the dogface needs bigger or something. For the eel i have never had a dragan eel and my possy doesnt. I will look into it.


here is what another site says about dragons "The Dragon Eel is a very aggressive species with a mouth full of large sharp teeth, and a bottom jaw that cannot close because it is curved. Due to this eel's aggressive and predatory nature it is often difficult to keep it with other marine life, included other eels. It is best kept singly, and in an aggressive species tank community with other larger predatory fish, such as Triggers, Groupers, Puffers, Snappers, Hawks, and Lionfishes"


here is what another site says about dragons "The Dragon Eel is a very aggressive species with a mouth full of large sharp teeth, and a bottom jaw that cannot close because it is curved. Due to this eel's aggressive and predatory nature it is often difficult to keep it with other marine life, included other eels.
Most of it is a bunch of bull, can you post the link that has that info?


Active Member
make it a reef instead. cause the trigger will kill the lion and all those fish might/will outgrow the tank


Originally Posted by jr2857
make it a reef instead. cause the trigger will kill the lion and all those fish might/will outgrow the tank
How is making it a reef even an option? :notsure: If he wanted a reef I'm sure he would have said, "Or should I just make it a reef?"
I agree with everyone on triggers and puffers not being so great with lions. My porc puffer would never leave my lion alone so I had to get rid of the lion. Puffers, triggers, and large angels work well together but would be stressful in a 100. Either way, put the trigger in last. What kind of dragon did you have in mind?


are they really that agressive then how does aw2 keep a dragon moray with all those fish :notsure:


i dont know what kind of dragon eel i want but was thinking about a hawiian dragon those are pretty nice eels


are they really that agressive then how does aw2 keep a dragon moray with all those fish
Rather simple really, the fish are larger then its jaws and last I know he not have all the fish, And later he moved


oh yeah how much to hawiian dragon eels usually cost :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
oh yeah how much to hawiian dragon eels usually cost :thinking:
minumum is $900. usually $1000+


Active Member
boalgf said:
How is making it a reef even an option? :notsure: If he wanted a reef I'm sure he would have said, "Or should I just make it a reef?"
i'm just saying that if i was him i would make it a reef. just my opinion


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. whats the cheapest species of dragon moray on the market that is pretty exspensive for a fish


agressive fish are better than a reef i dont know why but agressive is better cause fish are usually swimming oh yeah and when something like a trigger fish eats it thrashes its food around but reefs are breath taking to very relaxing to watch fish swimmin around and comin in and out of corals but corals that glow are awesome ecspecially when the lights go out thats when those corals glow but i never saw a coral like that until the day i went to the lfs at night and they were closing and they turned out the lights on there reef but we got there just in time to get a new fish


Originally Posted by surfinusa
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. whats the cheapest species of dragon moray on the market that is pretty exspensive for a fish

There only happens to be two dragon eel species and I couldn`t tell you which you might get cheaper then the other for the least you can is for $500 and I seen the price tag as high as $5,000


i really want a dragon eel thats all bright orange with white spots and black around the spots and
i really really really really dont want one thats all white with the black spots and orange jaw i really really want one thats bright orange with white spots and black around the white spots like if you type in dragon moray eel in google and press images i want one like that how much would one of those cost :thinking:


surfinusa, No two dragon morays have the same markings and you either get more bright or less, it all depends and the Japanese dragon moray have much more bright colors, normally they do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DME
There only happens to be two dragon eel species and I couldn`t tell you which you might get cheaper then the other for the least you can is for $500 and I seen the price tag as high as $5,000

ever heard of the brazilian dragon moray selling for $400?