How does this look!!!!


Yep, he's a hippie fish alright... although I personally think the Psychedelic Manderin is more of a hippie fish... (both can be found on this site under Gobies... "Mandarin Dragonet - Green" and "Mandarin Dragonet - Psychedelic").
Just be carefull if you get one of them... they generally ONLY eat pods from the live rock, and starve to death after they eat them all. (It takes 6 or 8 months in a 55 Gal tank) I have heard that they survive in tanks with 100+ lbs of LR, especially if there is a refugium too.
Oh yea... AWSOME pics

Originally posted by ctgretzky9
ok, i admit i am a perv....i saw "my clam" and my thoughts wandered....

ANd a nice CLAM it is.. LOL


Kim...Im glad you replied...was beginning to think i was the only one here who found that funny! Must be a New England thing?



Originally posted by ctgretzky9
Kim...Im glad you replied...was beginning to think i was the only one here who found that funny! Must be a New England thing?

Not just a New England thing, although maybe an Atlantic coast thing...
Just when you thought you were done laughing, go back and look at the angle the picture was taken at... That is definately a clam alright!
By the way, I'm espeically glad a woman commented on it... I was thinking "oh great, now I'm a dirty old man like ctgretzky9"



Originally posted by EvilBob22
By the way, I'm espeically glad a woman commented on it... I was thinking "oh great, now I'm a dirty old man like ctgretzky9"

Hey! Im a dirty YOUNG 35...wait does that count as old yet? I used to think it was old until i got there.
Ok, this thread is officially xrated.


sorry sweetleaf...but YOU started it with the post about your is a very nice clam by the way...are you married? lol


Member my mind "what does this look like" and "how does this look" mean the same thing when y a mention "clam" a 35 yr old trapped in an 18 yr old mind!
and now, really officially this thread is xrated
I apologize to any mormons

who dey

Active Member
Sweet your tank is beautiful. Even your clam:) Impressed only 5 months old! you have invested alot into that quickly. How much did you get your clam for, looks pricey!!


:hilarious You guys are funny :yes: My husband says the same thing about the "clams" whenever we go to the lfs and I have to tell him to shhhhh not so loud...and then I agree with him :D
BTW very nice tank!!!