How does this sound for my stock list?


Active Member
2 - percula clownfish
3 - chromis
1 - mandarin goby
1 - flame angel
1 - yellow tang
65 gallon tank with a 25 gallon sump/fuge.
about 85 pounds live rock
what kinda cleanup crew could i have? and also are all these fish reef safe cause i plan on adding corals?


Active Member
Dont do the mandarin for about a year, let the pod population gorw, and only then will it be iffy. Add tons of lr to the fuge in order for that. Other than that, everything is golden. The tang might have to go in a year or two, but im not gonna argue, just keep it fed with lots of greens. Twice daily feeding of seaweed, and possibly formula 2. But, sounds good to me:D


Active Member
i have about 80/85 pounds of the rock in my display tank. you think i hsould just take some out of there or go buy more for my fuge? and also wont the caulerpa end up completely taking up the entire tank? how will the rocks get light?
my fuge isnt so big, only about 12 x 12


Active Member
i agree. no mandrain... all the ones at the fish store were dead today! cool fish but you need an older tank...


Active Member
Rocks dont really need that much light. Well, could I interest you in a nice little gobie, possibly a blenny? Dragonets are always a hard one to keep. I wouldn't recommend unless you have a TON of live rock. YES, go out and buy more for the fuge, but leave whatever you have in the display. If you can, try to set up an above the tank fuge, that way the pods can go straight down into the display without gettting shredded.


Active Member
above tank fuge isnt happening. i have like 90 pounds now. ill get 10 more for my fuge. leaving me with a total of 100 poudns of rock. my display tank will have 4 x 96 pc lighting which should also help bring life to my rock.


probably said no tang because your tank is too small. if you look throughout this site you will see that the recommended minimum tank size for a tang is 75 gal. of course as someone else posted, the tang will probably be ok for a year or two. you'll just have to watch him for signs of stress as he gets bigger and either transfer him to a bigger tank or trade him in.


Active Member
lol, that's what i thought. so many different opinions. anybody else care to comment on if i can have a tang or not?


It is your money so get a tang. I hate it so much when people say DONT PUT A TANG IN ANYTHING BUT A 75. Who made this rule? Opposed to what?..the ocean? We can never ever make our tanks as good as where most of these fish come from. So if you want a yellow tang then get one...he/she will be fine. It is better than the tang staying in a 10 gallon for months at the fishstore........Thank you.


And one more thing. There are people starving in the world and alot of people on this board are worried about putting a tang in a 10 gallon tank. This is a business people. The fish stores are going to sell the fish whether you have a 10 gallon or a 8000 gallon. If you shouldnt put a tang in a 10 gallon tank then there ought to be a law. I just dont understand some people........


Active Member
im gonna stay outta this cuz yer gonna get flamed for that, but Im on yer side. Yes, put the tang in, but stay away from the mandarin, like i said.


I dont care if the President himself gets on here. This is how I feel about the subject and there is no changing that. Let the flames begin!


Active Member
I saw anchorman the other day, it was really funny. Another movie I wanna see is Alien vs. Predatro. I love those movies. They arent scary, they are just cool. YAY


Active Member
well, im definetly getting a mandarin. hes my only reason i have 100 pounds of rock instead of 70. so hes coming. why dont you think he'd live? i was told 100 pounds of rock is fine.