how does this sound


New Member
i am planning on getting a 65 gallon I am planning on about 31/2 inches of some live sand and regular sand, 75 pounds of live rock and filtration just a protien skimmer. I want in my tank 5 condi purple and 1 carpet anemones and 2 to 3 feather dusters and the following fish. A coral beauty angel, tomato clown, and about 3-4 bangii cardinal fish. Does anyone see any porblems with this set up. I know i need to wait for the cycle and every thing else. but how does this set-up sound. will it work and what type oflighting system should i get for this set-up. any help will be greatly appreicated. thank you


New Member
I forgot i also want some inverts in there. i am planning on putting 1 band shrimp,2 peppermint shrimp, 20 turbo snails, 1 arrow crab, 5 emerald crabs, 2 sally long leg crab,and maybe a red general star fish.


Active Member
wait a whole on the anemones(several months and do alot of research on them first, they have a high mortality rate, just be sure you are ready)
as for the fish, the angel should not be added to a tank that has not matured a bit(wait about 6 months, post cycle)
the others should be fine, jsu twith the bengaiis get them at the same time
and no for your inverts(now don't take this the wrong way), the cbs may be a problem with the other shrimp, they are quite aggressive esp towards other shrimp, the arrow is even more so towards everything, with them it is purely hit and miss as to whether they will or won't go through everything else in your tank, including fish, sometimes tehy don't but he nature of this beast(which is a good description in many cases) is that it can and generally does attack just about anything it can get it's claws on, and likes to eat tehm too, so snails and shrimp would more than likely be snack food and maybe some fish for the arrow
everything else sounds good,, for a 65 gallon lighing, maybe 3 or 4 pc's at 65 watts, or some mh's suspended for heat and a NO flo for actinic light
HTH and good luck


New Member
well how about 3 peppermint shrimp, 5 emerald crab, 2 sally long leg crab, sergeant red starfish, 20 turbo snails, flame clam and 20 hermits if this is not good what would you recommand. I want 2 banjji cardinals, tomato clown, neon dottyback, 2 firefish and a gobie.