how does ur LFS transfer LR?


This is very weird. My LFS just puts the LR in a bag with air without any water. I thought they have to be covered with wet paper at least. How does your LFS give you LR? Is my LFS doing somethign wrong?

mr . salty

Active Member
It really depends on how long the rock will be out of water.If you only live a short drive(15-30min)the rock will be fine.Any longer than a half an hour and it should at least be covered with a wet paper towel.Best bet is to submerge it in saltwater inside of a cooler.


Active Member
I have bought rock from 2 different stores and one used wet papers and the other didnt. I live a short distance from both though and like Mr Salty has stated both were fine.


I'm sure that if you request they'll bag it with water for more peace of mind.(I personally like some form of moisture on my rock-who knows what can happen on your way home from the store).


Store manager: How long will it take you to get home?
Me: 5 minutes
Store manager: <throws rock in plastic sack which he drops in brown paper bag, and tosses to me> Drive like hell.


:D lol. cute
next time i go, i'm going to ask them to wrap it with wet paper tower or something. I live about 40 mins away and i'm always paranoid inside the car.


I hope it wasn't too large of a piece of rock. Couldn't that be considered an assault? (lol)


I have two decent marine shops in town and one uses large plastic bags that he just dribbles some extra water into, and the other store uses the box w/wet newspaper idea. Both seem to be ok philosophies, but my personal feeling on the matter is, the less direct air contact the better. ;)


Mine asks how long till home. I say 45 min. They wrap in paper soak it good and put in plastic bag, then turn it upside down in another one and then put it in a carring bag. There is usually about a 1/2 of a cup water standing in the bottom of the bag. Seems like there should be less bags and more water :rolleyes:

fishin family

New Member
Our LFS would soak newspaper and wrap the LR, add a small amount of water, and double bag, with brown paper sack to top it off. :)


Active Member
On smaller pieces my lfs double bags with some water in the bag. When I bought 50lbs at once it went in a styrofoam box with soaked newspaper covering it. BTW, when I unloaded all the lr from the box I looked inside and there was an emerald crab sitting in a puddle pleased as punch!
Take care,
Dan'l :D


My store puts it in a plastic bag and fills it with water, even though i only live about 5 minutes away. In my opinion, for the price of his LR, he had better put water with it.
My LFS transfers it in a bag filled up with air with a wet bag on them
If you come in with a cooler they will let you transfer it in water.
[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Saltwatersensae ]


the most I've seen it go for around here is $12. a #. (I think for that price they deliver it in a limo.)


On a related note...I built up a ton of base rock when I started my tank, added some 'dying' live rock to cycle it (from the lfs). The rock has enough surviving coaraline to get that started, but as far as other life goes, there is little to none. I've went in in the middle of the night with a flashlight to see if anything was scuurrying around - nothing. No signs of life.
Should I attempt to purchase some better live rock (keep in mind this is a small town with 2 lfs and my tank is currectly full of rocks so ordering 50# is out of the question) or can I obtain some copepods & stuff in another manner? Suggestions?