How Exactly Do I Perform Water Changes?


Old topic but it has some great info. I still have a couple questions.
1. What's the best way to introduce new water if you don't have a sump? Just pump it straight into the tank with a powerhead? That might only take about 45 seconds unless I stepped down the hose ID. Think that would be hard on the powerhead, trying to push the water through a small airhose?
2. What's the importance of using "bad" and "good" containers? The "bad" water was just in the tank a second ago...if I rinse the tub out, what's the danger of using it for new water next time? Just asking because I have several identical 18-gallon tubs and I was planning to just use them without tracking which was which. It wouldn't be hard to designate them but I'm wondering why it matters.
Sorry to change the subject but i noticed you mentioned that there wasnt many people from NE in this message board,and well im from Nebraska too.


Before I moved my livestock to the new tank, I had a 24g sump. I used either a MJ 400 or 600 (can't remember) that didn't push the water out so fast. I would have the 5 gal bucket sit on the counter next to the tank and run the hose straight into the tank. It takes a little while, but the sand never got kicked up and nothing was too stressed.
About the good/bad containers...I don't think it matters, but thats just me. I use 5 gal Home Depot buckets for water changes. I always rinse out the buckets after the water change, no matter what water it was holding to begin with. Just make sure that any container you're planning to use doesn't have any residue from any chemicals or liquids it may have once held. If they aren't brand new containers, or you know something other than water was held in them, I wouldn't trust them to do water changes...UNLESS you were to use that for just the bad water, in that case, it would make sense to label it.


Great information! If I may, like to explain my situation. We have 56 gallon tall, running for almost 3 months. We have 20 gallon sump with calarpia and ceoto, 15 lbs of mud, sand and live rock (with some clean up crew as well). Parameters have been 0 with NO2, N03, Ammonia, PO4, calcium is at 425 (down from 450 a week ago) and Alk was 2.1. PH was 8.0 (tuff to tell with Red Sea test kit, but not less than 8.0, but probably 8.2). Concerned about ALK. We are about to do a water change for the first time (because the paramerters have been so good (and nervous about it).
I have put 10 gallons of RODI water into a tub with Instant Ocean salt. We have a Maxi jet 1200 and heater in the tub. Plan to circulate for around 20 hours.
I plan to test the parameters of both before adding.
Wow, so many questions! We also have purchased a top off system which we want to add Kalkwasser when adding top off. It is a JBJ lighting ATO system. I plan to put a 5 gallon bucket behind the sump for top off. Here go the questions:
When I shut down the return, and empty 5 gallons (10%), should I turn on the return and replace the water through the sump? I have plenty of tubing and a pump.
When I set up the Kalk, can I adjust the top off to do it slow enough for a Kalk additive or should I dilute it? I was thinking of taking 1 quart of Kalk, disolving every day and adding that back to the 5 gallon bucket that will top off the sump. Maybe 1 quart of Kalk to 1 quart of RODI water (thats about what we are evaporating a day).
Sorry for the long post, I have read so much about alk, calcium, mag and their relationsip. I know my system is off. Just looking to fix it before I add any more coral.
Thanks for any advise!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Noob question: since I buy seawater from the LFS, do I still need a powerhead in my bucket? I wondered if I need to do more than heat it to match the tank temperature, although I guess if I have to add anything I'll need to circulate it?