how far of a spread will 16.5 inches of mh cover?


Active Member
What the heck are you asking?
A MH bulb is a point source. Each bulb will cover 2 foot square area. (or up to 2.5')


Active Member

Originally posted by dburr
What the heck are you asking?

he kind of lost me on the remote ballast question..Hec, I thought he was using MH's on his tanks already.


Active Member
naw, that was idea's for my main tank but i wasnt going to get anything more than pc's or vho because ill only be doing softies.
about the remote ballast(
) as you can tell i know NOTHING about MH and that was what it said and the discription of the product.thanks for helping me through my stupidity
so yes dburr that was what i was looking for ,thanks and by the way the 16.5 inches came from the size of the fixture so i though that might have a difference.