How fast will my tang eat algae????


I want to buy some live algae for my tang to eat to give him some variety off of the algae sheets only. I am just wondering if I buy a large bunch of algae from the LFS how fast is he going to eat it? I don't have a fuge up yet, but I do have my agressive tank where I'm sure my carnivores aren't going to devour the algae. Should I put a bit of it into the Tangs tank and the rest in my agressive tank so it can continue growing? Or if I get a big enough clump will it be fine growing in with the tang? Maybe half and half? Also what algaes are good for live food for the tang that aren't that hard to grow? I will have my fuge up here shortly probably in about a month so I can start growing it out in there for him :) Thanks in advance


Active Member
The only live algaes that tangs will readily go for that I am familiar with is Ulva and Gracilleria..both are hard to grow,especially in a new set-up.


Active Member
algae sheets alone are not going be enough for your tangs.they need a variety .they do make a wide variety of hebavore foods flakes and frozen diets.such as veggie flakes by omega one and kelp flakes also by omega one. for frozen diet I use emerald entrese frozen algae based with mysis shrimp( all my fish love this stuff also good omnivore food.also for algae formula 2 frozen algae cubes.algae sheets are meant as a treat only .it is not recomended as a complete diet. as for fresh grown algae they will eat it quite quickly.


Originally Posted by promisetbg
The only live algaes that tangs will readily go for that I am familiar with is Ulva and Gracilleria..both are hard to grow,especially in a new set-up.
Well my agressive tank has been up for over 2 years now so its pretty established and has good lighting and water quality, so I could probably grow it out there and then feed in the 125 which has only been up 4 months....
I am getting them a variety and getting some selcon to soak the tenera sheets in and also getting some nori and frozen formula 2. I will also look into the other things you were talking about! Thanks


"I am getting them a variety and getting some selcon to soak the tenera sheets in and also getting some nori and frozen formula 2. I will also look into the other things you were talking about!"
yep. the formula 2 is good stuff. you can get sheets of nori in some grocery stores along with kelp. nori, kelp, formula 2, and algea should keep your tangs happy.