how fast will this guy grow?


hey guys i THOUGHT i had my fowlr list made up and it changed. i went to my LFS and picked up a picasso trigger.and my old boss there said hey you need this guy you can have him for cost. i picked up a tiny"1.5-2inch" panther grouper. i have always known they get massive, but how quickly will he grow? i have a 90 right now, i WILL have a new tank in ROUGHLY a its the trigger and him and my mean tomato clown in there for now. thanks


I was also planning to get pg don't worry i he's only 2 inchs now it will take at least a yearand 1/2 to 2 years for it to out grow the tank just be sure not to starve it some ppl when they have something they no will out grow the tank they starve them to prevent excesive growth this does not work it just makes the fish un happy and more liable to attack tank mates other than that you should be ok


Active Member
He will out grow that tank before your planned upgrade . You need to take it back man . They get big fast eat a lot and they are ugly as sin when full grown .


i know they get pretty ugly when they get big..but he was stuck in a 20 gallon small tank at the store and they didnt think he would sell they told me when i was there to take it i only payed $15. if it out grows my tank i have plenty of friends with 180+ size tanks. if he gets to big i will donate him to them, im not cruel i wont make him stay in my tank. after i quit at our LFS they hired all new kids that dont know their a$$ from their elbow about fish. so i figured atleast he would get fed enough and be in great water quality for now. i will keep him for a bit he is small i have never came across one so small. im working on getting a bigger tank soon but if i dont like i said i have a friend who would gladly take him into a 240 or his in the market for a house thats why im not setting up a bigger tank now im in a town home."i just didnt know how big he would be in a year if properly fed.I - re-did all of my live rock today and gave them ALOT more room to swim not before i brought them home. i traded in half of my coral to get a picasso trigger and my PG.:( lost my butt..i still have my nice coral to bring in there later this week..dont know what else i want to get i dont want to crowd at flowing PLENTY of water in my tank its drilled and has alot a rio 2400 pumping besides that and my skimmer and uv sterilizer.


well my buddys 240 is going to get setup in about 3 weeks. hes just moving now. after its cycled im sure i will just give it to him. i would much rather take it for now then let it be starved to death by some tard at the pet store.they have a niger trigger there i really wanted to pick up just not sure what else to put in. my tomato clown beat on my other tangs i had in there and my wrasse etc. so i was hoping my trigger and this grouper would give him a little beating in return eventually. and my royal gramma wont make it to long im sure i just cant catch him to take him out. i wanted to get an antennata lion and an eel and call it good but the niger was such a crazy swimmer..just crazy to watch.


Keep a close eye because he will grow alot faster than the Humu (Rhinecanthus are notoriously slow growers) . As soon as he can fit him or the clown in his mouth he will. Leaving the Gramma in there is just cruel imo. The other thing is that PGs are messy eaters and poop alot. I wouldn't waste my bio-load on the panther grouper personally, they are just too big (27"!!!!) and ugly Once he gets big nobody is going to want him and he could easily be a foot or more in a year. Also, upgrades almost never occur on schedule. I would ditch him and get the Niger. The Niger is less likely to eat your other tank mates and is a slower grower in the event your upgrade is delayed for any reason. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear.


no hard feelings here he was practically pushed on me to help find him a good home. my picasso is probably 3.5-4 inches no comparison in size right now but im saying a year but im really planning on sooner;) just saying that at the latest. depends if i move or not just dont want to set it up.i will know within a few months.i will catch my gramma one of these days when i am feeding them guys i re-did my rock today so he has been hiding constantly he is 2x the size of my grouper at the moment even.does anyone have a picture of an adult panther grouper? i have only seen one at like 10 inches and it didn't look much different. im curious!


I would be cautious adding the niger in with your established picasso. About a month ago I was moving tank mates around and tried to add my niger in with my picasso...the picasso has been in the tank for 6 months or more, and he was all over the niger. Poor thing could not show his face at all without getting crushed by the picasso. Turned off the lights for the day everything calmed down. Turned them on the next day and immediately same situation. I took him right out that morning, and he practically jumped in the net for me
. Wasn't funny at the time... I have had a few picasso's in my time, and I think this one is particularly aggressive, but just saying keep an eye on them if you do it


well it should be alright being that i just added my picasso and the pg yesterday. my tomato clown owns the tank right now ;) but not for long..haha he beat on all of my other fish "tangs etc" constantly this is why i left him in there time to turn the tables for him. he bites me constantly whenever i work in there its quite funny.both fish i added are doing great plenty active colors look great and they both ate last frozen krill last trying to sell my coral to pay for these fish because i get hosed by trading it in.i still have a nice hammer coral,candy coral,and huge thin finger leather if anyone is in mn;) haha.


here is a few pics for those who care i just got him and my picasso yesterday. my tomato clown is nasty that is in there to.



AWWWW Yes !! They sure are cute and pretty at that size, but give it 8 months or so and you will have a large muddy brown spotted fish that eats anything that fits into its mouth. (I learned that in the 1970's when I had my first salt tank and thought " oh! what a cute spotted fish!)
Once it is big and ugly, good luck trying to pawn it off on any of your friends for their tank!! Not many people want them and that is probably the reason the LFS was begging you to take him.
Best of luck to you !
(I tried to google a large panther grouper picture, but they are so ugly that I cannot even find a picture on the net!)


yeah i know they get big "i used to work at the lfs here" and yes i have a person to "pawn" it off to. i actually have a few, there is a dentist here who has a 550 gallon tank he could go to , or my friends 240. so he will go somewhere when he gets big, but for $13 i thought i did alright for now.these pics make him look bigger to,hes very small. i saw one about 10 inches and it was kindave tan but still looked the same wasnt to bad looking. im not sure when they get super ugly looking but he will be fun to have around.


yeah i know they get big "i used to work at the lfs here" and yes i have a person to "pawn" it off to. i actually have a few, there is a dentist here who has a 550 gallon tank he could go to , or my friends 240. so he will go somewhere when he gets big, but for $13 i thought i did alright for now.these pics make him look bigger to,hes very small. i saw one about 10 inches and it was kindave tan but still looked the same wasnt to bad looking. im not sure when they get super ugly looking but he will be fun to have around.they gave me a deal on him because my boss knew i was setting up a predator tank and they are overstocked right now because someone screwed up the order so he was throwing deals. if he gets huge believe it or not they would take him back but i will get him a good home.


Active Member
If he is buying groupers at 15 dollars that lfs is getting shafted by the wholeseller. The other more likely option is that he shafted you. They'll fill up that tank in less than a year.


if you read any ofthe previous posts i used to work there where employees get 10% above cost. regular cost was $39.00 and someone screwed up the order so they ordered some things they already had in stock. i had a volitan and niger offered to me also, because they already had one what a better way to get them out of the way then to throw a great deal at me?i already bought my trigger at full price that day.and the pg, i know they get huge, im prepared for it.