How good are the ro/di systems at home depot?


I need an ro/di unit and was wondering how good the ones are that you can get at home depot. I have a store credit there and would like to use it to get an ro/di. Also is there a certain model that you would recommend at home depot?:)


they are all about the same. The number of gal filtered per day reflects the price as with adding a DI post filter. The smallest unit, usually 25-35 gal will do just fine for the tank and your house, ice maker, etc,comes with a useable 2.5-3.2 gal tank. The price is not the best, but very close, within $30 or so.
"If you think doubling your efforts can compensate for lack of skill, there is no end to what you can't do."
I bought one from Lowe's. I would not recomend it. Mine makes 9 gallons per day.
I am the cheapest bast... you have ever met, so take this into considertion when I say "check the out pu before you buy"
I saw one today that for about $100 more, did 4x the output.
I am filling my bucket slowly.


I have the 5 stage from and I love it makes 60 gal a day and cost less the 200.00.


Hi Guys, ( osolow,jamesurq)I am thinking of getting a RO/DI unit as well. How do you think it will work connecting it to my faucet? Thanks


when I bought mine he gave me a tsd meter with it.
I have mine hooked up to the tap with my washer and it works fine I run the 1/4 hose to my tank to fill it (I will run a hose in the atic later) the tap water came out over 140ppm with tds meter he gave me and the ro/di came out 1ppm so I think i was well worth it. the downfall is the 1 to 3 ratio of water that it makes 1 keep and 3 waste water. I'll see high my water bill gets this month.
Oh ya!
Now I drink abought a gal+ of water a day it just taste so much better then it did.


James, in case you're looking for little itty-bitty valves and fittings for the 1/4" lines, U.S. Plastics has all you could ever want. I looked all over my area and could not find any 1/4" plastic fittings to use on my set up.
Good luck and believe me, having all those outlets where you NEED them will greatly improve you're quality of life LOL I never have to lug buckets around and my wife appreciates the fairly dry floors :D